The Book Thief
By By Markus Zusak
This book is about a young girl who grows up in Germany during WWII. She finds comfort in book, thus fuelling her stealing habit but it does teach her how to read. This story is narrated by Death who finds interest in Liesel and watches her grow. She makes friends in Molching and loses some but continues her passion for books and literature.
I loved the style of writing; it really grabbed my attention. I think it could be due to the fact that it was 'Death' writing it but I loved how Markus wrote this and I have loved this book ever since.
Another aspect of the text which grabbed me was the characters. I fell in love with Liesel, Rudy, Rosa and Hans. Especially Hans. It was comforting in a way, for I could sort of relate to him for he sort of acts like my dad which was very enjoyable.
"A small but noteworthy note. I've seen so many young men over the years who think they're running at other men. They are not. They are running at me". I find this really deep since it is said by Death in a time of war. It's sad because you know that they are about to die but they think they are running and fighting for their country instead, but they are not.
This book left me with an emotional scarring. I cried quite a bit after this, especially the end which if you read it, you will figure out why. It has left me with a greater understanding of how it was like back then in Germany and how it is for little girls who get adopted and travel to Germany not knowing how to read and then find a passion for it.
I would recommend this book to people who enjoy sophisticated writing style because I have to say that that was my favourite aspect of the whole book and someone who overall wants to have a good read or someone that enjoys war books.
Book review written by Nadia Marriot (Year 10, 2022)