St Andrew's College students sitting in a classroom.

Foundation Scholarships

Ngā Karahipi Tūāpapa

St Andrew's College is committed to supporting quality education opportunities for those families who, without financial assistance, would not be able to afford an independent school education. We are committed to ensuring our College is not solely a place for those with the means to afford the College fees.

Foundation scholarships

With funding from the St Andrew’s College Foundation, we are proud to offer a diverse scholarship programme which provides wonderful opportunities for students with exceptional academic, music or sporting abilities. St Andrew’s is renowned for its top-class facilities, dedicated teaching staff, and a diverse academic and co-curricular programme, which supports Scholarship students to develop special talents to their full potential.

At St Andrew’s, academic scholars enjoy a rich and balanced academic programme that includes the Academic Extension and Enrichment (ACEE) programme for gifted and talented students. Young musicians work with top class teachers in a state-of-the-art music suite and can participate in up to 25 classical and contemporary music groups. High achieving sportspeople are also well catered for, with impressive indoor and outdoor facilities, and support from a group of dedicated coaches including many former international sportspeople.

Available scholarships

St Andrew’s offers Academic Scholarships for up to two Year 7 students and up to five Year 9 students; a range of Sporting and Cultural Scholarships for students from Years 7–13; the George Feilding Hight Scholarships for young men and women from rural communities of the South Island; an Endeavour Scholarship which is a needs-based scholarship selected on academic and all-round potential; the John Sinclair Scholarship for students joining in Year 11 or above and highly motivated to make a positive academic, sporting or cultural contribution to the College; and the Westgarth Scholarship for students joining in Year 9, which will give them an opportunity to get the best out of their secondary school education.

Scholarships are also available for the College’s exceptional, national title-holding Pipe Band.

Close up of a students blazer.

Scholarship closing dates

2026 Years 7–9 Scholarship applications close on Friday 4 April 2025.

2026 Years 11–13 Sports and Cultural Scholarship applications close on Sunday 17 August 2025.

Foundation Academic Scholarships

St Andrew’s College is pleased to offer the following annual academic scholarships:

  • Preparatory School | Year 7 Foundation Academic Scholarships

    Up to two scholarships covering up to 50 per cent of tuition fees for two years’ education (in Years 7 and 8) are offered.

    Applications are invited from students in Year 6 at the time of application.

    Please click here to see the Year 7 Foundation Academic Scholarship application form.

  • Middle School | Year 9 Foundation Academic Scholarships

    Up to five scholarships covering up to 50 per cent of tuition fees for five years’ education from Years 9 to 13 are offered. Applications are invited from students in Year 8 at the time of application.

    Candidates will sit a written examination and must be available to sit the Year 9 Foundation Academic Scholarship examination on site at St Andrew’s College on the scheduled date. 

    Please click here to see the Year 9 Foundation Academic Scholarship application form.

  • Important Information

    It is a prerequisite that all students applying for academic scholarships are enrolled. This means you must:

    1. Click here to complete the Application for Admission form.
    2. Pay the non-refundable $150 application fee.

    Upon receipt of your enrolment application, your details will be loaded onto our College database, ensuring you receive important information throughout the scholarship process. You will receive a letter from the College Registrar confirming your child’s enrolment and entry for the scholarship examination.

    You may withdraw your child’s enrolment and scholarship entry at any time by contacting the Registrar. In the event that your child is not successful in receiving a scholarship you may choose whether to keep the enrolment active or to withdraw the application.

    For further information contact our College Registrar, Lynn Smith on or +64 3 940 2016.

  • 2025 Enrolment and Foundation Academic Scholarships Timeline

    Friday 4 April 2025 – Years 7–9 Foundation Scholarship applications close

    Monday 19 May 2025 – Year 9 Foundation Academic Scholarship examination

    Friday 23 May 2025 – Year 7 Foundation Academic Scholarship examination

    Wednesday 11 June 2025 – Foundation Academic Scholarships offered

    Friday 13 June 2025 – Foundation Academic Scholarships confirmed

Foundation Sports, Music and Cultural Scholarships

St Andrew’s College is pleased to offer the following annual sports, music and cultural scholarships:

  • Year 7 Foundation Music Scholarship

    Up to one scholarship is awarded each year, covering up to 50 per cent of tuition fees for two years. Candidates attend an audition at which they perform two contrasting pieces from their own repertoire on their musical instrument. They may also be asked to sing short passages by ear and respond to aural tests of pitch and rhythm.

    The College is particularly interested in players of woodwind, brass and string instruments, although the ability to sing and play the piano is an added benefit.

    Applications are invited from students in Year 6 at the time of application.

    Submission Process
    Please note there are two components to the application submission process:

    1. The Application Form

    2. The Video Submission

    The Video Submission requires you to submit a video performing one piece of music on each instrument you wish to audition with. Please keep the length to no more than five minutes per instrument. However, if it is an extended piece, don’t worry about going over this time limit.

    Please click here to see the Year 7 Foundation Music Scholarship application form.

  • Year 9 Foundation Music Scholarships

    Up to four scholarships are awarded each year, covering up to 50 per cent of tuition fees for five years and possibly covering instrument tuition costs for top candidates. Application is by audition.

    Submission Process
    Please note there are two components to the application submission process:

    1. The Application Form

    2. The Video Submission

    The Video Submission requires you to submit a video performing one piece of music on each instrument you wish to audition with. Please keep the length to no more than five minutes per instrument. However, if it is an extended piece, don’t worry about going over this time limit.

    Please click here to see the Year 9 Foundation Music Scholarship application form.

  • Year 9 Foundation Sports Scholarships

    Talented athletes in Year 8 are invited to apply for a sporting scholarship or award at St Andrew’s College. 

    Foundation Sports Scholarship
    Scholarships provide up to a 50 per cent reduction in tuition fees over five years, with further needs-based assistance which can be applied for. Available for rugby, netball, basketball, hockey, football, cricket and tennis.

    Sports Award
    Awards are available for the College’s core sports of rugby, netball, basketball, hockey, football, cricket and tennis. Awards are to the value of $2000 and are a one-off reduction against Year 9 tuition fees. Year 8 applicants must be playing at a representative level in their respective sport.

    Please click here to see the Year 9 Foundation Sports Scholarship application form.

  • Year 9 Foundation Pipe Band Scholarship

    Up to three scholarships are awarded each year, providing up to a 50 per cent reduction in tuition fees for five years, for pipers or drummers. Applicants should be of at least C Grade solo competition standard and will be auditioned and interviewed.

    Please click here to see the Year 9 Foundation Pipe Band Scholarship application form.

  • Years 11–13 Foundation Sports and Cultural Scholarships

    Academic tuition fee reductions are available to students of outstanding sport or cultural ability, supported by sound academic progress. These scholarships are offered to incoming students in Years 11, 12 and 13.

    Submission Process
    Please note there are two components to the application submission process:

    1. The Application Form

    2. The Video Submission

    The Video Submission requires you to submit a video which is your chance to showcase your sports or cultural activity. For sport this should be no longer than two minutes and for cultural this should be no longer than five minutes.

    Please click here to see the Years 11–13 Foundation Sports and Cultural Scholarships application form.

  • Important Information

    It is a prerequisite that all students applying for sports, music and cultural scholarships are enrolled. This means you must:

    1. Click here to complete the Application for Admission form.
    2. Pay the non-refundable $150 application fee.

    Upon receipt of your enrolment application, your details will be loaded onto our College database, ensuring you receive important information throughout the scholarship process. You will receive a letter from the College Registrar confirming your child’s enrolment and entry for the scholarship exam.

    You may withdraw your child’s enrolment and scholarship entry at any time by contacting the Registrar. In the event that your child is not successful in receiving a scholarship you may choose whether to keep the enrolment active or to withdraw the application.

    For further information contact our College Registrar, Lynn Smith on or +64 3 940 2016.

  • 2025 Enrolment and Foundation Sports, Music and Cultural Scholarships Timeline

    Friday 4 April 2025 – Years 7–9 Foundation Scholarship applications close

    Monday 28 April 2025 – Year 9 Foundation Sports Scholarship trial

    Wednesday 14 May 2025 – Year 7 Foundation Music Scholarship auditions

    Monday 19 May 2025 – Year 9 Foundation Pipe Band Scholarship auditions

    Wednesday 21 May 2025 – Year 9 Foundation Music Scholarship auditions

    Wednesday 11 June 2025 – Foundation Sports, Music and Cultural Scholarships offered

    Friday 13 June 2025 – Foundation Sports, Music and Cultural Scholarships confirmed

    Sunday 17 August 2025 – Year 11–13 Foundation Scholarship applications close

    Friday 10 October 2025 – Year 10–13 interviews completed

    Wednesday 22 October 2025 – Year 11–13 Foundation Sports and Cultural Scholarships offers made

    Friday 24 October 2025 – Year 11–13 Foundation Sports and Cultural Scholarships confirmed

George Feilding Hight Scholarship

In 2013, George Feilding Hight and Merrilyn Estelle Hight established a scholarship fund in the St Andrew’s College Foundation, to provide scholarships for young men and women from rural communities in the South Island of New Zealand, to attend St Andrew’s in Year 9.

Please click here to see the George Feilding Hight Scholarship application form.

The George Feilding Hight Scholarships are for the benefit of students who live in rural areas of the South Island of New Zealand whose parents or caregivers receive the major part of their income from the pastoral and horticultural industries, or who are employed in the agricultural services sector who in the opinion of the Rector of St Andrew’s College would be precluded from attending the College because of financial constraints. Only New Zealand citizens or permanent residents can apply for a George Feilding Hight Scholarship, which are awarded at the discretion of the Rector.

In addition, the recipient(s) must have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Rector of St Andrew’s College that they have a particular interest in or aptitude for academic studies. The provision of the scholarship shall enable the recipient to study towards any profession or occupation of their choice while remembering but not being bound to their rural background.

By offering a suitable student the diverse opportunities provided by a St Andrew’s College education, the George Feilding Hight Scholarships will give young men and women the chance to reach their full potential and so benefit the greater community.

St Andrew’s College is proud to offer this exciting opportunity for young rural men and women to reach their full potential in a dynamic learning environment.

Terms of The George Feilding Hight Scholarships

  1. Applicants for a George Feilding Hight Scholarship must meet the criteria as stated above, summarised as:
    a.    From a rural background whose family income is primarily derived from the agricultural sector;
    b.    Have demonstrated financial constraints precluding the ability to meet tuition fees;
    c.    An interest in and aptitude for academic studies.

  2. Recipients of a George Feilding Hight Scholarship are eligible for financial assistance up to, but not exceeding, the value of 100 per cent of one year’s tuition fees. The exact amount awarded will be determined each year by the Rector of St Andrew’s College after consultation with the Trustees of the St Andrew’s College Foundation. Tuition fees exclude other costs which a student may incur during the course of a year of which the following are some but not all examples of additional costs: boarding fees, uniforms, extra-curricular activities such as school camps/excursions, personal expenses and any additional educational fees.

  3. Once awarded to a student, the scholarship will be awarded each year subsequent to a five-year maximum, until the student graduates from, or leaves, St Andrew’s College, assuming the student continues to meet admission criteria at the College and remains in good standing.

  4. The George Feilding Hight Scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of the Rector of St Andrew’s College, Christchurch, based on the normal application process and upon the applicant meeting the criteria established above for the George Feilding Hight Scholarships.

  5. A condition of the scholarship award will be that the recipients of a George Feilding Hight Scholarship will be required to furnish two handwritten reports per year to the Rector of St Andrew’s College.

Students working together by the Strowan stream

John Sinclair Scholarship

John R Sinclair MSc DipEd 
Association with St Andrew’s College 1983–2000 
Deputy Rector 1983–1996 
Senior College Head 1991–1992 
Administration Manager 1997–2000 
Board Secretary 1997–2000 

Dr John Rentoul appointed Mr John Sinclair as Deputy Rector of St Andrew’s College in 1983. Mr Sinclair soon proved himself to be decisive and efficient, able to deal diplomatically with sensitive issues while still pushing through innovative new systems reflecting Dr Rentoul’s educational philosophy. Mr Sinclair was an outstanding administrator, able to work with Deans and subcommittees to put new ideas into practice. A gregarious character, he quickly established good rapport with Old Collegians and parents. 

Please note, this scholarship is not by application. It will next be available for students who are in Year 11 or above in 2027.

In 1990, Mr Sinclair visited several senior colleges in Australia to investigate the major implications for St Andrew’s College’s move into co–education and produced a useful and perceptive report for Dr Rentoul. He was instrumental in putting the introduction of female students into the Senior College in 1991 into action. 

Mr Sinclair led the Senior College in 1991 and 1992, being responsible for curriculum, professional development and practical planning.  Throughout his tenure, he actively promoted the participation of students in sports, cultural and pastoral activities, something he was very passionate about.    

By the end of 1996, Mr Sinclair relinquished the complex role of Deputy Rector to become the College’s Administration Manager and Board Secretary, from 1997–2000. His main tasks were to improve systems and enhance communication between teachers and support staff.  

By the time of his retirement, Mr Sinclair had spent 18 years restructuring processes, overseeing changes, organising overseas tours, dealing with everything from budgets to buildings. Little happened at the College during his tenure without some input from John Sinclair. 

Since his retirement, Mr Sinclair has continued his close association with St Andrew’s. For some years he organised the itinerary for Strowan Scholars’ trips to Scotland. He remains passionate about St Andrew’s College and is fondly regarded as a wonderful stalwart of the College community. 

The John Sinclair Scholarship is to be awarded to students joining St Andrew’s College in Year 11 or above, who might otherwise not be able to attend, or remain at the College, but who, in the Rector’s assessment, are highly motivated to make a positive academic, sporting or cultural contribution to the College.

John Sinclair St Andrew's College donor

The Westgarth scholarship

John and Alison Westgarth

John Westgarth attended St Andrew’s College from 1954–1959, walking the short distance to the College from his family home in nearby Heaton Street. During his six years at the College John played tennis, rugby and cricket. He was a good student graduating from the secondary school with an Endorsed School Certificate. In 1957 John won the T D Burnett Memorial Prize awarded for the best essay in Form 4 on ‘A Pioneer Family’. John’s essay told the family history of Quintin McKinnon, an early explorer in Fiordland. This award continues to be awarded to this day.

From a very early age, John had a burning ambition to be a farmer.

After leaving school in 1959, John worked on farms and then studied for six months at Lincoln University gaining a Diploma of Agriculture. On reflection, John thinks he possibly should have continued his studies, but he was desperate to get back onto the land and hone his farming skills. His aim was always to one day have his own farm.

Alison Westgarth attended Columba College, a girls’ Presbyterian school in Dunedin. Alison was brought up on a farm in Waikaka Valley, Southland. She had her own floristry business in nearby Gore.

John and Alison were married at the First Church in Dunedin. Their farm Punaroa Downs, purchased in 1964, was their home for the next 46 years. There they raised their family, in due course sending their sons James and Ben to St Andrew’s College and their daughter Annabel to Rangi Ruru Girls’ School.

The Westgarth Scholarship

To be awarded to a student entering Year 9 at St Andrew's College.

During their time at Punaroa Downs, Alison fondly remembers all the young people they helped advance their work prospects and skills, particularly those who joined their shearing school on the farm. John delighted in the St Andrew’s agricultural students visits to their farm.

The Westgarths have supported the College for many years as members of the Strowan Club and have given generously to many College fundraising campaigns. They particularly enjoy watching the St Andrew’s College rowing crews at regattas held on Lake Ruataniwha and regularly attend Old Collegian functions, annual prizegivings and drama productions.

There is one Old Collegian both John and Alison admire greatly for his humility, his mana and his remarkable talent – Richie Mo’unga. Richie was awarded a scholarship to St Andrew’s College in 2009. He captained the St Andrew’s 1st XV Rugby team in 2012; then joined the Crusaders Training Squad in 2015 and made his All Black debut in 2018 against France.

It is the Westgarth’s great hope that the Westgarth Scholarship will give young people an opportunity to get the best out of their secondary school education. This uncomplicated desire certainly reflects the Westgarth’s straight forward style, and heartfelt generosity.

Alison and John Westgarth