Students playing with outdoor connect four.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Tōpūtanga Mātua-Kaiako

Established in 1933, the St Andrew's College PTA is made up of a group of dedicated and enthusiastic parents, together with representatives of the Board and staff who help at College events, run the Second-hand Uniform Shop and host fundraising events.

Join the PTA

Joining the PTA means you will meet like-minded parents of all age groups; you get to hear first-hand what is happening at school, and you can ask questions and suggest ideas. As a group, they meet once a month in the staff room of the Preparatory School.

Profits from the Second-hand Uniform Shop are all donated back to the College and disbursed through the fundraising process. Volunteering in the Second-hand Uniform Shop is a great way to get to know the St Andrew’s College community.

PTA President Report

Stephen Higgs, our dedicated PTA President, embodies the belief that it takes a community to raise a child. Having been part of the St Andrew’s College PTA for more than eight years, Stephen understands the collective desire of parents to give back to the College, and the integral role parents have in partnering with the school to support their children’s potential to be reached.

Under Stephen's leadership the PTA fosters friendships, facilitates parent discussions, and encourages participation in College activities.

“The PTA’s fundraising efforts contribute significantly to the College's operational needs. Beyond fundraising, the PTA serves as a crucial link between parents and College management, providing an ongoing platform for important discussions. The PTA is a welcoming space for all parents, fostering a sense of community involvement and connection,” says Stephen.

PTA President.

PTA History

In 1933 Mr A L Cropp presided over the inaugural meeting. The PTA have a long history of working with other community groups in support of the College. In 1943 they joined forces with the Old Boys Association to support the build of a Memorial Chapel and in 1950 assisted in building the boarders’ recreational hall. They were involved with the build of the Pipe Band room (1957) and Jubilee Hall (1966). In 1999 they completely restructured their constitution to make a more inclusive, issue-focused and thought-provoking forum.

St Andrew's College Memorial Chapel.

PTA Initiatives

The PTA has donated more than $500,000 to the College in the past few years, most recently contributing $55,000 for the PTA Green room in the Gough Family Theatre and equipment. The donations go towards all aspects of the College, with cultural, sports and academic sectors from Years 1–13 benefiting from the PTA. The PTA is not all about fundraising as the majority of their funds come from the Second-hand Uniform Shop.

It takes a community to raise a family and the PTA aids in supporting College events with volunteers to ensure students get the best possible experience at every occasion.

Preparatory students working in the vegetable garden.

"We help out at school events, run the Second-hand Uniform Shop, host fundraising events, and provide a forum for the parent voice. Many of our members enjoy being part of the PTA as they get to meet new people, find out about what is happening at the College across all year levels and have the opportunity to contribute."

PTA Member Parent

Contact Information


For further information, please contact PTA President, Stephen Higgs.