Strowan House St Andrew's College Christchurch New Zealand

Privacy Policy

Kaupapahere Tūmataiti


Your privacy is very important to St Andrew's College and we want to be sure that you understand the way in which we collect information and the use of that information. This privacy policy describes what information we collect about you on our website, when and how we collect that information, and what may happen to that information. 

Your personal information

St Andrew's College only collects personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") – such as your name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number – on our website when you knowingly and voluntarily submit it to us, for example, when you complete an enquiry form. Voluntarily submitted information is used for the purposes for which it was submitted. St Andrew's College does not collect Personal Information without your knowledge.

St Andrew's College will not pass your Personal Information on to any third parties without your express consent. We will take reasonable steps to protect the security of the Personal Information we collect from you.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any Personal Information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected or removed completely. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected or removed, please contact us at, or +64 3 940 2000.

Cookies and tracking information

Cookies are very small text files saved to your computer, or other device, which allow St Andrew's College to track user navigation around our website. This information is used to help us understand and improve the user’s experience on our website. If you prefer not to use cookies, you can set your browser preferences to not accept cookies.

St Andrew's College uses Google Analytics to collect and analyse this information. Google Analytics collects your IP address, but it is only used to track your visitor behaviour on, and your broad location (by country). Your IP address, as collected by Google Analytics, cannot be used by St Andrew’s College to identify you.