Preparatory students on laptops in the classroom.

How To Enrol

Me pēhea te Whakauru

Enrolling your child at St Andrew's College is the start of an exciting journey, and our dedicated Enrolments team are here to assist you every step of the way.

Enrolment steps

Whether you'd like to request a prospectus or ask an enrolment question, we're here to help. Our online enquiry and application portal will guide you through the process and provide you with a personalised Parent Dashboard, a one-stop shop for your child’s enrolment journey with St Andrew’s College. At every step of the way, you can view your progress, see your current status, and you’ll be prompted by the portal to take the next steps as required.

  • Step 1 – Complete your application online

    Early enrolment is strongly encouraged as there is high demand for places at St Andrew’s College and wait lists in some year groups. We do encourage you to express your enrolment interest at least two years prior to entry to avoid disappointment. In the Secondary School, all applications received by the closing date will be given equal consideration.

    You will need to include an electronic copy of your child’s birth certificate, evidence of New Zealand residency (if not born in New Zealand) and electronic copies of legal agreements pertaining to the student, if applicable (e.g., Court Orders, Parent Agreements, Protection Orders). There is a non-refundable fee of $150 per enrolment.

    Please note, application closing dates vary for different year levels and for day students versus boarders.

    You will be contacted by our Enrolments team after you have completed your application for enrolment. The team will ask for any further information we may require regarding your child’s application, answer any immediate questions you may have, and provide you with further details regarding the next steps in the process.

  • Step 2 – One year prior to start date

    Around one year prior to starting at St Andrew’s you will be required to compete a new Student Profile form and upload copies of recent school reports. Students applying to join the Secondary School are also required to upload a short application video. All students new to the College and their parents/caregivers are considered for an interview with a member of our management team. The interview is an opportunity to get to know each other a little better and ensure St Andrew’s is the right fit for your child. Please note, for the Preparatory School, student profile forms are not required until we process enrolments and action them to the pending / interview / offer stages.

  • Step 3 – Offer of place

    If your interview is successful, you will receive an offer of place, which you will have one further week to consider before the offer is withdrawn. Please note, offer of place dates vary for different year levels, siblings of current students, children of Old Collegians and for day students versus boarders. Upon acceptance, a non-refundable acceptance fee of $500 is payable, which includes the student's life membership of the Old Collegian Association, plus a non-refundable bond of $1000 which will be credited to your first College account when the first tuition charge is made.

  • Step 4 – Secondary School New Entrant Testing

    In July of the year prior to starting, all successful applicants for the Secondary School for the following year complete an entrance test. This data, together with school reports and data received from your child’s current school will be used to determine their core curriculum classes.

  • Step 5 – Secondary School Tutor Group Huis and Parent Information Evening

    In Term 4 the year prior to starting, all successful Secondary School applications for the following year are welcomed to their Tutor Group Hui and also a Parent Information Evening, where you will receive all the information needed for the first few weeks of school, including the orientation programme, stationery list, device specifications, camp details, and key contacts.

  • Optional – Open Days and School Tours

    Attending our Open Days in early March or taking a School Tour (available during term time only) are great opportunities to see our school in action, on a typical school day. During your visit you will see our wonderful facilities, ask questions, meet some of our staff and students, and gain valuable insight into the St Andrew's community.

  • Optional – Shadow Days

    Once your child has been offered a place at St Andrew’s, they are welcome to spend a day with us as a student on a Shadow Day. During the day they will be buddied up with a current student and spend the day immersed in life at StAC. Boarders are also able to spend a night in the boarding house. For more information, please contact our Enrolments team.

  • Optional – Scholarship Examinations/Assessments

    Scholarships are available at Year 7, Year 9 and Years 11–13. Year 9 new entrants that wish to apply for scholarships complete an examination/assessment in May, the year prior to starting. For more information, please contact our Enrolments team.