By Michael Grant
When all the people 15 and over disappear and a bubble that is 20 miles by 20 miles traps all the kids inside Perido Beach, Sam and his friends have to step up their game to survive. The kids start to gain powers and since electricity is out and food will begin to run out Sam becomes the leader. Then kids from a boarding school take charge and their leader Caine also has powers, but discovers something about him and Sam.
This book is about surviving the elements and other people.
An aspect of the book that grabbed me was that the characters barely explore the huge place they are given so when the reader looks at the map, they think the characters will interact with those places.
Also, there is no happy ending. It ends leaving the reader with questions. The intense the fighting can get to the point of you feeling uncomfortable.
Another aspect of this book that grabbed me was how it leaves what's happening outside of the bubble to focus on what’s happening inside, to set up the 5 other books.
What I have taken away from the book is that adults keep things in check so that it doesn’t lead to madness. This book left me with the fantasy of a movie based on the book.
This book would leave you interested in what would happen in the real world. Say this took place in Christchurch. That would totally be different to New York. You would want scientific research about what would really happen.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a book they can’t put down.
Book review written by Luke Browne (Year 10, 2022)