Red Queen
By Victoria Aveyard
This book is about a girl called Mare that is discovered to be something no one’s seen before, and she changes the world forever.
Red Queen is all about the colour of your blood and hierarchy. The reds are commoners, people that are poor, live-in stilts and are sent off to fight an endless war with the lake landers when they reach conscription age. Then there are people with silver blood: they are rich, and they have magical powers that they can use to easily kill. They range from controlling water, fire to extreme strength and reading minds. Powers are passed down and each family has a house and colour. The Land is ruled by a strong family that are burners and they marry the strongest female that wins queens’ trial. During the book secrets are uncovered, a rebellion is built and nothing will ever be the same.
An aspect of the book that grabbed me was the way the characters change and develop over the story. We get to know them better and see their true colours shine through at times. I also enjoyed how we are left with questions and the story caries on well to the next book in the series. I liked the way family played a big part of the story because it is easy to relate to.
After reading this book I learnt that anyone could betray anyone. This idea is said a lot during the story and many people learn the hard way in the story what this means. It is always in the back of Mare’s mind and by the end of the book she has changed completely for better and worse.
I suggest this book and the others in the series to people that enjoy fantasy and to people that want to start reading. It is easy to follow, and it is hard to put the book down. This book was one of the first I read that I really enjoyed, and it was the start of my love for reading. The book isn’t too long, and each book gets longer but still enjoyable. It is unpredictable and is full of surprises.
Book review written by Aine Molony (Year 10, 2021)