Ready Player One
By Ernest Cline
This book is about Wade Watts, and his quest for unimaginable riches, as he tries to find James Halliday's "Egg" hidden in his game, the OASIS.
What grabbed me in this book was the dystopian future that was pictured, where life is lived within virtual reality, and the real world is ruined.
"No one is the world gets what they want and that is beautiful." This quotation from the book appealed to me because it is very relatable for many people. You can never always have exactly what you want, but you need to learn to deal with it.
I really liked the character of Aech, as I think he is a funny and relatable person, and would be fun to be around in reality.
From this book I took away the fact that perseverance is important, and is you persevere you can achieve anything you want. I also learned that who you are doesn't effect what change you can make.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is into science fiction, but particularly young adults.
Book review written by George Paterson (Year 10, 2022)