A List of Cages
By Robin Roe
A List of Cages is a deeply moving book about the life of Julian after the death of his parents in his childhood. Told in both Julian and Adam’s point-of-view, Julian briefly lives with Adam’s family… until Julian’s uncle takes custody, and everything goes downhill.
As a youth growing up in today’s society, I feel the book is a necessary eye-opener not only for me, but for others too. A List of Cages shows us that even while someone may seem happy and smiley, their world could be falling apart (as the saying goes, “The kindest hearts have felt the most pain.”) The book also encourages the reader to show empathy towards others.
In this book, Robin Roe has manged to write about the horrors of domestic violence and child abuse without being too graphic. I think this made A List of Cages even more un-put-down-able.
While the themes are (for obvious reasons) haunting, Roe’s wording keeps you turning the page time and time again. A List of Cages engages the reader from the start, and continues to make you question how childhood ‘disciplinary’ measures, and society’s expectations of children, can affect someone throughout their life.
I would recommend A List of Cages to those looking for an immersive read dealing with real-life issues, but strategically worded to not be so graphic. However, A List of Cages should be read with caution because of the themes of abuse.
Book review written by Anisha Chand (Year 10, 2022)