Student and teacher talking in classroom

Our Inspiring

Ngā Kaiako Whakamīharo

It is fair to say that if you are lucky to have been taught by an inspiring teacher, that their guidance will continue to impact well beyond the school gates. After parents, teachers are probably the most influential people in any young person's life. They've committed their time to encouraging, growing, and transforming the children you entrust to them.

Matt Parr

Director of Boarding

The Boarding Advantage is the ability to teach more than just a subject. It's the ability to teach life skills, socialisation, interpersonal skills, and communication. Director of Boarding, Matt Parr, discusses our boarding community, connections with students and staff, and the benefits of being a boarder at St Andrew's College

Boarding Director with students outside at table playing Jenga

Kerry Larby

Head of Well-Being

At St Andrew’s College, we believe building character is just as important as developing intellect. Head of Well-being, Kerry Larby, discusses how students at St Andrew’s are supported to flourish, be who they are, and feel a sense of purpose and belonging, in a safe, engaging learning environment.

Teachers with students talking outside of Centennial Chapel

Wilj Dekkers

Former Head of Innovation and Information Services

In a world where technology continues to be a force for change, students at St Andrew’s College are being prepared to control and create future technology, rather than simply being users of it. Former Head of Innovation and Information Services, Wilj Dekkers, discusses the ways in which students are learning to collaborate, share ideas, and work in teams, to create exciting digital products.

Teacher and students talking at table with robotics equipment

Helaina Coote

Assistant Head of Secondary School (Academic)

Assistant Head of Secondary School, Helaina Coote, explains how St Andrew’s College is harnessing the increasing body of research into what makes teaching and learning effective. With a diverse curriculum and programmes, and excellent support systems in place, students at St Andrew’s are able to maximise their learning potential, while maintaining a sense of belonging and purpose.

Teacher in classroom with two students at desk

Rod McIntosh

High Performance Sports Director

Sport is an integral part of life at St Andrew’s College. High Performance Sports Director, Rod McIntosh, explains how the College’s leading-edge, holistic programmes help our young sportspeople and athletes to be the best they can be, support their health and well-being, and develop character traits and strengths they will have for life.

Sports teacher with students in PE uniform looking at game plan

Duncan Ferguson

Head of Music

The Music Department at St Andrew’s College supports the interests of all young musicians, with all genres equally respected and resourced. Head of Music, Duncan Ferguson, discusses how individual programmes, state-of-the-art music suites and recording studio, and the use of exciting technologies and innovative teaching programmes at St Andrew’s, helps students to reach their full potential.

Music teacher with students playing instruments

Rev. Paul Morrow

College Chaplain

At St Andrew’s College, we want students to leave the College open minded, free thinking, and consider views that they may not have considered before. College Chaplain, Rev. Paul Morrow, discusses how St Andrew’s College’s Presbyterian Christian heritage, our values of truth, faith, excellence, inclusivity and creativity, our pastoral care and our community service opportunities, all support our students to develop an understanding and care for their community, and the greater world around them.

Chaplain in chapel with student holding offering pouch

Kelly McBride

Head of Learning Enrichment, Preparatory School

Learning Enrichment is a key part of the programme in the St Andrew’s College Preparatory School, which provides students with opportunities outside the normal curriculum to find their creative talents and passions. Head of Learning Enrichment, Kelly McBride, discusses how students are encouraged and supported to give new things a try, in a fun environment where they feel confident, secure and happy.

Students in science lab talking to teacher with microscopes