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Middle School Leaders

Middle School Leaders

The year group Dean and Head of Middle School, in consultation with the Head of the Secondary School, appoint up to 30 Year 10 students to carry out duties for the Middle School for the last five weeks of Year 10 and the following year. These duties include organising lunchtime events for Year 9–10 students, assisting in the organisation of mufti days and Years 9–10 dances, running the Year 11 Semi-formal, doing charity and community work, reading the lesson at Middle School chapel each week and assisting in the promotion of the College at Information Evenings and Open Days.

Middle School House Captains

The Dean, Head of Middle School in consultation with the College Counsellor, will select House Captains to work alongside the Senior College House Captains each year.

Year 9 and 10 Tutor Representatives

Two students from each Year 9 and 10 tutor group meet once a month with the Dean to discuss points of view raised at tutor meetings. The Dean is able to bring these ideas to the Deans’ meeting with the Head of Middle School for consideration.

Years 9 and 10 tutor group representatives hold office for one semester, while Year 11 Middle School leaders hold office for one year. In addition, leadership roles are offered with chapel, sports teams and other co-curricular groups.