St Andrew's College 1st XV winning UC Cup group photo

Athlete Sports Programmes

Hōtaka Kaiaka Hākinakina

Our Athlete Sports programmes provide extra support to talented athletes in our community who excel at a high level and represent Canterbury, the South Island, or New Zealand. Students gain access to cutting-edge resources in the sports performance industry and receive mentorship to guide them toward excellence and self-management. The programmes are designed to support, encourage and nurture athletes’ growth, maximizing their potential in sports, academics, and personal development.

St Andrew's College student playing cricket in white with bat and ball

Athlete Sports Development Programme

Years 9–10

The Athlete Sports Development programme is an innovative programme designed to cater for young sports people interested in developing their knowledge in what it takes to become a high-performing student athlete. Content is delivered progressively over two years and students involved in this course will learn valuable lessons to assist with all areas of life.

Lessons are based around four key pillars of performance delivered by teachers with expert knowledge in the areas of strength and conditioning, sport specific skills, mental skills, and life and character development.

The ultimate goal for the Athlete Sports Development programme is to teach our students to be better people, better teammates, better communicators and enjoy being teenagers whilst providing practical tools they can use on a daily basis in and out of their chosen sports.

This course helps to create a more defined pathway for students into our Athlete Sports Performance programme for Year 11–13 students where they have greater opportunities to apply what they have learnt as well as continue to develop their knowledge.

St Andrew's College female student playing tennis with bat in hand

Athlete Sports Performance Programme

Years 11–13

The Athlete Sports Performance programme is an extension of the Years 9–10 Athlete Sports Development programme, where students involved have the opportunity to continue to apply knowledge with greater independence under the guidance of expert mentors.

This holistically focused programme allows students to maintain a balanced lifestyle and provides them with enhanced opportunities for success. Extensions of the four pillars of high performance continue to be delivered and the staff working with the students are there to provide mentoring in balance in academic, sports and social commitments, time management, academic support, pastoral care and guidance, access to the latest resources in sports performance, and co-ordination with external coaches.

The programme is structured to support, encourage and nurture athletes so they have the best chance to maximise their collective opportunities in sport, academics and personal development. The course provides an opportunity for students to implement self-management as they prepare for their journey as athletes beyond school.

Richie Mo'unga playing rugby for his old school St Andrew's College

Pathway to the Podium

Rugby player Richie Mo’unga (OC 2012) credits the College’s Athlete Sports programme for providing him with life changing opportunities that opened the doors for selection into the Canterbury NPC, Crusaders and All Blacks teams.

“The programme was hugely beneficial in helping prepare me for life after school and in the professional environment.”

Charlotte Elley playing netball Old Collegian

Pathway to the Podium

"St Andrew's College gave me full support in my netball career, they offered me top quality services from mental skills, fitness training and specialist coach. My time in the StAC A netball team is something I value and see as a vital steppingstone on my pathway to my dream netball career."

Charlotte Elley (OC 2014), New Zealand U21 netball squad, Canterbury’s Tactix and Waikato-Bay of Plenty Magic teams

Henry Nicholls Black Caps Cricket Old Collegian with bat in hand

Pathway to the Podium

“The experience and knowledge I gained playing 1st XI cricket at St Andrew’s College has helped lay the foundations for my success.”

Henry Nicholls (OC 2009), Black Cap