Year 9 Information Evenings

Ngā Pō Pārongo Tau 9

In addition to our Secondary School Open Day, we run two information evenings specifically for families looking at entry into Year 9. The first takes place a couple of weeks after our Open Day, providing a useful introduction to life at St Andrew’s, and the second in November, aimed at parents with confirmed places for the following year.

Students on a break sitting on the field.

Year 9 Information Evening

Our Year 9 Information Evening is held in April and provides you and your child with a helpful introduction to life at St Andrew’s, including what they can expect in their first year of Secondary School at the College.

You will hear from several speakers, including students discussing their personal transition to Year 9, and the range of exciting subject choices on offer at St Andrew’s. Rector, Christine Leighton and Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein also make an address, and our College Registrar, Lynn Smith will provide details on the enrolment process and all the key dates you need to know.

Students with a teacher in class.

Year 9 Welcome Evening

Our Year 9 Welcome Evening is an in-depth event which take place in mid-November and is exclusively tailored for students with confirmed enrolments for the following academic year.

This parent-only event provides a deeper understanding around the transition to secondary school and the opportunity to meet and hear from the Year 9 Dean. Other speakers include our Head of Middle School, Matt Parr, and our Chief Information Officer, Dave Hart.

Parents will receive information on their child’s Orientation Programme and key dates, together with operational information including stationery lists, uniform, device information, and much more.