Meet the 2024 Student Captains

1 August 2024

St Andrew's College 2024 Student Captains Tim Richardson, Grace Vincent-Parr, Isobel Forsey, Joe Mundy, James Hart, Jenna Howell and Xanthe Pearce (inset).


Sport Captains

Tim Richardson

Being named as a 2024 Sports Captain is an honour says Tim Richardson, who is enjoying the opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the sporting environment at St Andrew’s. His main goals are encouraging involvement and fun in sports, whether students are motivated by social interaction or competition; fostering a culture of inclusivity; and creating spaces for sporting students to spend time together and share knowledge. Tim is a multi-talented athlete who is passionate about a variety of sports. He has been in the 1st XI cricket team for three years and is its current captain; is part of the 2024 leadership team for 1st XV rugby; and has been a member of the Senior A water polo team for three years. Tim plans to study towards a Bachelor of Science in Sport Development and Management at the University of Otago once he leaves St Andrew’s.

Grace Vincent-Parr

Grace Vincent-Parr is excited and honoured to be selected as a 2024 Sports Captain. Among her aims is to build strong connections between all sports and age groups at the College, including the Preparatory School, where she has coached a variety of teams since Year 9. In her role, she encourages participation and building a strong, competitive House spirit. During her time at St Andrew’s, Grace has played a variety of sports, including cricket, netball, hockey, volleyball, 7s rugby, touch, and squash. She has captained the Years 10B, 17A, and Senior B netball teams, and has participated in four Colomba College exchanges. Grace has received her Gold Level Umpire badge and won a Physical Education Award at Prizegiving in Years 11 and 12. She plans to study at the University of Otago in 2025, potentially a Bachelor of Science, first year Health Sciences, or a Bachelor of Commerce and Science.

Academic Captains

Isobel Forsey

Isobel Forsey is honoured to be an Academic Captain, with her focus on promoting academic opportunities, supporting programmes like Peer Tutoring, and encouraging other students to pursue their passions. Isobel has achieved Excellence endorsements in Levels 1 and 2 and enjoys being involved in many academic competitions and groups – particularly the Debating Club. Once she leaves St Andrew’s, Isobel plans to complete a double degree in Science and Law, with the hope of going into patent law.

Joe Mundy

Joe Mundy is excited to be selected as an Academic Captain, helping other students to reach their full academic potential. Joe co-leads the Peer Tutoring programme, and is involved in Preparatory School tutoring. He would like to arrange seminars with professional experts to inspire students towards future career paths. Joe gained NCEA Levels 1 and 2 with Excellence and Academic Colours. After leaving St Andrew’s, he intends to study Engineering at the University of Canterbury.

James Hart

James Hart is pleased the Academic Captain role gives him the opportunity to co-lead the Peer Support Programme, prepare House Competitions, and put forward ideas from the student body for tutoring, academic competitions, and clubs. One of St Andrew’s top academics, James tutors Year 7–11 students for around six hours a week. He has already gained NCEA Levels 1, 2, and 3 with Excellence, as well as a NZQA Scholarship in Physics, and an Outstanding Scholarship in Chemistry. He plans to study Physics at university, and potentially seek a researched PhD in the field.

Cultural Captains

Jenna Howell

Jenna Howell says she is grateful to be a Cultural Captain, leading in an area she is passionate about. Jenna’s main goals include getting more students involved in culture through House competitions and Cultural Week, and inspiring and educating younger students towards developing their cultural passions. Providing performance opportunities for students of all ages through regular Cultural Showcases is another key part of the role. Jenna is a multi-talented performer who has been involved in five Secondary School productions, including two lead roles. She has also been a choir member for five years, has been part of Theatresports teams and StAC Dance, plus had films featured in FilmFest. Jenna plans to take a gap year travelling and working in a boarding school in England, and potentially do a degree in Event Management on her return.

Xanthe Pearce

Xanthe Pearce says it is an amazing opportunity to be a Cultural Captain. She enjoys helping to run events such as Cultural Assembly and Cultural Week, and performance nights for various cultural groups and individuals. Xanthe is focused on maintaining the high standards of supportiveness within the College’s cultural groups, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to take part. An outstanding performer, Xanthe has performed in every College production since Year 9, with several lead roles, most notably in this year’s production, Legally Blonde. She has been the Head of Drama, has taken the lunchtime group D-cubed, and started her own musical theatre class. Xanthe is passionate about many subjects and is not sure if she will study the arts when she leaves for university but plans to keep the arts in her life in some way.

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