Leavers' Assembly 2023
30 November 2023

On Monday 30 October, a group of 212 leavers from Year 13 and 12 leavers from Year 12, were farewelled at the traditional Leavers’ Assembly, marking their last day at St Andrew’s College.
The day began with a delicious breakfast in the Strowan House dining room, before the leavers made their way to the Centennial Chapel for the assembly. Highlights included the presentation of Special Awards, Academic 30s, Academic Greatest Movers, and Tertiary Scholarship Awards. Speakers included Deputy Heads of College, Lachlan Odlin and Poppy Rumble, who reflected on their time in the Secondary School, and Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein, who paid tribute to the teaching staff also leaving at the end of the year.
Two Year 13 musical groups performed, and there was a breathtaking solo cello performance by outstanding musician Christine Jeon (Year 12) who is leaving at the end of 2023 to study Performance Music at the University of Auckland.
Rector Christine Leighton says the Leavers’ Assembly and other annual leavers’ events are an important time to show gratitude to whānau and to celebrate the accomplished, considerate, well‑rounded individuals the students have become. “I congratulate our leavers who have been a respectful cohesive group. They have showed gratitude to their teachers and staff who have guided them over the years, contributed significantly to leadership and community service, and brought their many wonderful talents to co-curricular activities.”
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