Launch of poetry book Hoof

30 November 2023

Kerrin at her book launch with Rector, Assistant Head of Secondary School, seven St Andrew's College students and a celebratory cake.


On Thursday 19 October, St Andrew’s College hosted the launch of Writer-in-Residence, Kerrin Davidson’s (writing as Kerrin P Sharpe), new poetry collection, Hoof.

After being welcomed to the Rentoul Senior College by Teacher in Charge of Writing for Publication, Rebecca Ball, the large crowd were treated to readings from Kerrin’s poetry students – Georgia Blyde (Year 3), Alfred Lash (Year 5), Hanxi (Cicy) Chen, Heidi Smith (both Year 9), Chantelle Xiong (Year 12), Lucas Te Rangi and William Russell (both Year 13).

Rector, Christine Leighton, spoke about Hoof and officially launched the book, before Kerrin read a specially selected range of poems from the collection. The crowd were thrilled to hear some of the history and local connections in Kerrin’s poems, several of which featured staff members and other guests present on the night. Kerrin was then joined by Christine and Assistant Head of Secondary School (Academic), Helaina Coote, to cut the cake, which was beautifully decorated with the front cover of Hoof. Guests were treated to elegant kai created by Catering Manager, Russell Gray, and a music performance by Sea-am Thompson (Year 12) and Music Teacher, Michael Lawrence.

Rector, Christine Leighton, said Kerrin has been an inspiration to hundreds of students at St Andrew’s in their creative writing endeavours and it was a privilege to host her book launch.

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