Dazzling adaptation of Legally Blonde

1 August 2024

St Andrew's College students performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.


With the curtain rising on the 2024 Senior Production on the same night as the official opening of the new Ngā Toi Performing Arts Centre, the production team couldn’t have made a better choice than the high-energy, hilarious show, Legally Blonde.

The standing ovation and wild applause from the packed audience of invited guests, sponsors, and supporters there to witness the first performance to grace the stage in the spectacular new Gough Family Theatre, left no doubt about the success of the show. It was like a big, joyful sugar rush that left everyone on a massive high.

What made the performance even more special, was that 25 members of the cast, and one crew member on Legally Blonde, were also part of Curtains, the 2021 Middle School Production – the very final show performed in the old Theatrette at St Andrew’s.

“From the first moment the capacity audience was captivated by the vibrant and cleverly designed pink set, the talented band, and the meticulously costumed actors, all of whom were accomplished singers and dancers,” says Rector, Christine Leighton. “The show was fast- paced, joyous, full of humour, with the audience astonished that school students could present such a professional show. The cast, band, and crew earned a well-deserved standing ovation at the end of each of the seven nights they played to a packed house.”

St Andrew's College students Xanthe Pearce and Edward Pitts performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.First show in new theatre a stunning success

Director, Laurence Wiseman, is well known for his love of dark, more obscure musicals with big themes, but knew a different type of show was needed to coincide with the opening of the new Ngā Toi Performing Arts Centre. “For the opening of a brand- new theatre – one that has been years in the making, I knew we had to produce a show which would celebrate this, aligning with the positive atmosphere which comes on such an occasion. The challenge was set.”

He admits to having pre-conceived ideas about Legally Blonde, in much the same way the seemingly stereotypical lead character, Elle Woods, is misunderstood as a ‘bit of fluff with no substance’. However, once he saw a performance, read the script, listened to a cast recording, and discovered both the movie and stage show are derived from a book detailing the real-life experiences of a former female law student at Stanford Law School, he was hooked. “It’s true that Legally Blonde is light and fun with lots of dance numbers, but it also makes an acerbic comment on human tendencies, bias, and assumptions of which we are all guilty sometimes. Can someone be both beautiful and have depth and intelligence? Can seemingly opposing values and ideas both be true concurrently?”

The talented cast and band of Legally Blonde worked tirelessly together for many months with the expert production team of Director Laurence Wiseman; Production Manager Ginnie Thorner; Musical Director Duncan Ferguson, and Choreographer Hana Pearce (OC 2019) to bring the standout show to life.

Legally Blonde’s score features an incredible 22 toe-tapping songs, which were played beautifully by the 13-piece live band, led by Duncan Ferguson, and featuring several current and former St Andrew’s students. Choreographer, Hana Pearce, was in her element, creating her trademark exceptional, high-energy dance routines, which referenced everything from music videos, to cheerleading, and even Irish dancing.

St Andrew's College students performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.The set and costumes were spectacular as always, with the stage and many of the performers awash with pink.

Laurence Wiseman says it was a privilege to present Legally Blonde as the first show in the Gough Family Theatre. “The cast understood the magnitude of the performance and worked so hard to deliver their absolute best. I am incredibly proud of the cast, production team, crew, and band for their adaptability and willingness to work to create a show which was realised with fun, depth, and heart.”

Peppy, pink, and the power of believing in yourself

With its catchy tunes, hilarious antics, a dash of romance, and a journey of empowerment which turns well-worn cliches on their head, Legally Blonde captivated audiences during a sold-out run in the new Gough Family Theatre.

Xanthe Pearce (Year 13) lit up the stage as Elle Woods, the ultimate fashionista, who trades her designer handbags for law books after miraculously being accepted into Harvard Law School where she plans to win back her estranged boyfriend, Warner Huntington III. A hugely talented singer and dancer, with impeccable comic timing, Xanthe’s performance swept the audience up in Elle’s journey of self-discovery and belief.

St Andrew's College student Xanthe Pearce and chihuahua at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.We were first introduced to Elle during the exuberant opening number, Omigod you guys, also featuring the ensemble, as they prepared for the inevitable proposal by Elle’s self-serving boyfriend, Warner, played by Head Boy, Hugo Ranken (Year 13), ending his Senior Production career with another superb performance. The duet, Serious, between Elle and Warner, was a great mix of humour, miscommunication, and pathos, as Elle learnt she was being dumped rather than proposed to, leading to her unexpected journey.

St Andrew's College students Hugo Ranken and Xanthe Pearce performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.Other highlights of Act One included a great performance of What You Want (Part 1) by Grandmaster Chad (Sean Liddiard – Year 12) supported by the ensemble; and the brilliant What You Want (Part 2) when Elle turns up at Harvard with the ensemble in tow, to deliver her personal essay in a full song and dance number. Hana Pearce’s high-energy cheerleader choreography for this song was a standout.

St Andrew's College students performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.We were also introduced to smarmy Professor Callahan, played in another commanding performance by Tamaroa Connelly (Year 13), and Elle’s Harvard classmates, including the sweet Emmett Forrest, another fish-out-of- water character played with confidence by the wonderful Edward Pitts (Year 13), buttoned-up Vivienne, Warner’s new girlfriend, played with poise by Miah Taylor (Year 13), and activist Edith, hilariously brought to life by Dara Ballard (Year 13).

Senior College Production, Legally Blonde.Elle’s Greek Chorus of sorority sisters popped up with great effect throughout the show, with Elle’s friends Serena (Annie Young – Year 11), Margo (Madeline Davidson – Year 12) and Pilar (Emily Edwards – Year 12), delivering performances filled with peppiness, positivity, and humour. Madeline Davidson’s incredible energy throughout the show was particularly impressive.

Senior College Production, Legally Blonde.We also met sassy hair salon owner and Elle’s confidante, Paulette Bonafonté, with her song, Ireland, showcasing Amina Pabst’s (Year 13) powerhouse vocals and magnetic stage presence. Incredibly, Amina, an international student from Germany, had no previous experience in musical theatre.

Senior College Production, Legally Blonde.As Elle’s focus switched from love to legal matters, she found herself at the start of Act Two on Professor Callaghan’s crack team of legal interns, along with Emmett, Warner, and Vivienne to defend a fitness instructor, Brooke Wyndham, accused of murdering her husband.

The first number, Whipped into Shape, was a workout anthem which saw Chantelle Xiong (Year 13) as Brooke, demonstrating an incredible ability to jump rope and sing at the same time, while negotiating some clever rope moves. The jail song, Delta Nu Nu Nu, when Elle bonds with Brooke in jail and extracts her alibi was another highlight.

St Andrew's College students performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.Girl power is a big theme of the show. Using the law, Elle helps her new friend, Paulette, to reclaim her beloved dog from her dirtbag ex-boyfriend Dewey (played by a hilarious Jack Satterthwaite – Year 13). Then Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar, and others teach Paulette the signature move, Bend and Snap, which they guarantee will attract any ‘straight’ man. Paulette is enamoured with Irish delivery guy, Kyle O’Boyle, played by a hysterical Jack Flanagan (Year 13) who perfectly mastered Kyle’s sexy swagger and flirting.

Senior College Production, Legally Blonde.Of course, Elle plays a key role in winning the murder trial. Her finely tuned gaydar discredits the pool boy witness, Nikos Argitakos (Shaun Cooper – Year 13), in a side-splitting performance who claimed to be having an affair with the accused, fitness guru, Brooke, but doesn’t respond to Elle’s never fail ‘bend and snap’. The fast-paced, operatic-style song, Gay or European?, had the audience in stitches and included a riotous cameo by Flynn Rhodes (Year 13) as Carlos, Nikos’ lover.

Senior College Production, Legally Blonde.After celebratory drinks, when she is hit on by sleazy Professor Callahan, a disillusioned Elle is ready to quit the law game and head back to Malibu. Cue the poignant song, Legally Blonde, with Elle and Emmett.

St Andrew's College student Tamaroa Connelly performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.Of course, common sense wins the day. Elle stays, and her knowledge of perms and hair washing protocols eventually catch out the real killer, Chutney Wyndham, Brooke’s stepdaughter, comically played by Mookmanee Lee (Year 12). Elle eventually graduates Harvard as Valedictorian, turns Warner down once and for all, and finds love with the devoted, upstanding Emmett.

St Andrew's College student Mookmanee Lee performing at the 2024 Senior College production, Legally Blonde.The big production number Find My Way/Finale was the perfect end to an unashamedly over-the-top production, with some Irish dance steps thrown in, and Xanthe Pearce and Amina Pabst’s stunning vocals leaving the audience on a high.

The large ensemble was on point throughout, and the entire cast obviously revelled being part of the joyful, comedic show which also managed to deliver heartfelt messages and highlight prejudices. Two additional and delightful four-legged stars were born – Mila Davidson, as Bruiser Woods, and Golden Retriever, Indy Oxley as Rufus, who appeared totally unfazed by the bright lights and crowds.

Legally Blonde was bright, bubbly, visually stunning, and delivered some top-notch performances which have set the bar incredibly high for future St Andrew’s productions.

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