Cultural Week and Assembly 2023

30 November 2023

St Andrew's College students singing at Cultural Assembly.


Cultural Captains, Marco Leighs and Mia Walker (both Year 13), and their team did an impressive job organising Cultural Week, in mid-August, which highlighted the many ways culture is expressed at St Andrew’s College. Students enjoyed the opportunity to showcase their talents, take part in some fun activities, and enjoy a variety of performances and cultural celebrations.

Each day had a different focus, including Māori and Pasifika Day, Drama Day, Dance Day, and Art and Music Day. Throughout the week there were hot chocolates on offer, performances by various individuals and groups, workshops, and the annual StAC’s Got Talent competition, with students from all areas of the Secondary School joining in the fun.

The week ended with the Cultural Assembly, which included a passionate address from the Cultural Captains, an outstanding opening item performed by Senior Music and Drama students, along with performances from the rock band, Afterglow, and the Soul Band. A fun House Art competition held during the assembly was won by MacGibbon House, and a wide range of cultural awards were also presented.

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