Te Wiki o Ngā Pukapuka Book Week 2023

30 November 2023

Students dressed up as their favourite book characters at the 2023 book parade.

Regulus // Issue 3 // November 2023

The best of children’s literature was celebrated in the Preparatory School during Te Wiki o Ngā Pukapuka – Book Week at the end of Term 3.

This year’s theme was ‘Who’s Your Hero’, and focused activities on book characters admired for their courage, strength, leadership, and kindness. The week got off to a great start with a visit from award-winning New Zealand author, Maria Gill, who captivated the students with stories of New Zealand wildlife and real-life New Zealand heroes. She also shared her secrets for writing wonderful creative non-fiction stories. Another highlight was the spectacular Book Parade which saw staff and students parade across the campus dressed as their favourite book characters.

Throughout the week, classes, library sessions, and lunchtimes were filled with literary quizzes, competitions, and creative activities that kept everyone entertained. The Preparatory School Book Club hosted a lunch in the Preparatory School Library with storytelling and some particularly difficult book challenges. Year 7–8 students were invited to place their Uber Reads orders for some great reads chosen for them by the library staff.

Overall It was another wonderful week of literary adventures, which was enjoyed by all.

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