Vango: Between Sky and Earth
By Timothée de Fombelle
Vango: Between Sky and Earth is a book written by Timothée de Fombelle. The book was written in March 2010 originally in French and was translated into English by Sarah Ardizzone in 2014. The translation did nothing to change the quality of the book though, at it won the English pen award. The book focuses around the main character Vango Romano who, from the day he could understand, had a past shrouded in mystery. The book follows him through a life of chaos, from wartime Germany in a zeppelin, to the rooftops of Paris, to the hidden monastery on the island in the middle of nowhere.
I personally like this book a lot as it is like trying to piece together a puzzle as the parts all come together in the end. It is the kind of book where you never want to put it down. It requires thought and effort on the part of the reader in order to enjoy the story which keeps you engaged with the text allowing for a better experience and a better book.
I would probably recommend this to anyone who wants a seat-edge thriller book that requires a lot of effort to read but is worth it.
Book review written by Thomas Forsey (Year 11 2019)