My Life, My Fight
By Steven Adams
This book is an honest account about a young man who came from a poor background to being one of the biggest sports stars that New Zealand has produced. It tells the story of Steven Adams, who was convinced his future lay in working on a farm, to him becoming one of the biggest names in the NBA.
What I enjoyed most about this book is that his personality shone through in his words. What you see in the media around his humility and ability to have a laugh, is what you get in this book. There is no mucking around with the detail, it simply is what it is. It tells of when he was a child who was barely attending school, through to his time at Scot's College, then onto the University of Pittsburgh, right through to him playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder. He speaks of his experiences both on and off the basketball court. He goes into great detail about his family dynamics, after all he has 16 siblings. He also is open about his basketball journey, including his team-mates, coaches and places that he played.
I learnt a lot from this book as both a person, but also an educator. Steven Adams has a few key people around him that believed in him and supported him when others may have given up. They saw potential in this young man, on the court and also academically, and managed to get him through. This is important for me as every young person has the ability to shine, but we as educators need to find that spark in them to enable this to happen. He showed huge resilience against heavy odds. He never wavers from what is important to him. He has a strong moral ethic and is very loyal to those who support and love him.
It is an amusing and honest read and I think he nails the balance here. Not only did I learn a few things around potential and grit, but there were many hilarious elements of this book that had me laughing a lot. If you're into sport, this is a must-read as it showcases the importance of hard work, accountability and surrounding yourself with the right people.
Book review written by Head of Middle School, Mr Mikae Tuu'u