Milk and Honey
By Rupi Kaur
A collection of beautiful yet jarring poetry, Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey is an absolute must read for young and old alike. Exploring themes of love, loss and femininity, Kaur delves deep into the trials and tribulations that many women are faced with in our modern society.
If poetry isn’t usually your cup of tea, Milk and Honey may be the book that changes that. Kaur’s use of accessible and simple language helps to make her important messages digestible for most readers. So, don’t be deterred if you find poetry scary.
Furthermore, even though they are written from the female perspective, Kaur’s messages regarding the importance of valuing oneself are important to all, regardless of gender. That’s why I encourage young men and women alike to delve into this provocative collection of poetry. I am sure you will learn something new about yourself.
Book review written by Mr Steen Bielby, English Teacher