50 Years On (Classes of 1972–1976 and 1973–1977)
31 May 2023

Old Collegians Simon Fraser and Stuart Boon at the 50 Years On Reunion
Over 50 Old Collegians returned to St Andrew’s College on 26–27 May for their 50 Years On Reunion.
The two groups gathered on the Friday evening for a Cocktail Party. For some, it was their first time back since they left as boys. Their memories of their time at the College came flooding back after a tour of the campus, although a lot had changed since then. Stuart Boon (Head Boy, 1976) and Henry Aubrey (Head Boy, 1977) welcomed the Old Collegians and their partners, and those who are no longer with us were we remembered. It was lovely to have Alvin Andrew, John and Jill Irving and Rex Livingstone present, who taught many of the the Old Cols during the school years and many funny stories were regaled throughout the evening.
On the Saturday evening, 70 guests were present for the formal dinner. Rick Wilson (OC 1977), donned in the Wilson tartan, expertly emceed the evening and the Toast was delivered by Peter Sim (OC 1977). The guests enjoyed Year 13 students, Marco Leighs and Georgia Eagle’s, rousing Address to a Haggis, watched on by their helpers for the evening, Andrew Chisholm (OC 1976), Peter Gilbert and Trevor Hobson (OC 1977). Thank you to all of those who attended, from both New Zealand and Australia, for a most memorable reunion.
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