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Who Attended


StAC students 1917-1926




Name Peer Year
Hillary, Naylor 1934

StAC students 1927-1936






StAC Pipe Band in a town parade between 1937-1946


Name Peer Year
Abbott, William 1937
Moore, Brian 1940
Watson, Colin 1940
Gray, Scott 1941
Long, Robert 1941
Beanland, Alan  1942
Harrison, Rex 1943 
Murray, Kenneth 1943 
Blackwell, David 1944 
MacDonald, Colin 1944 
Shearer, Graham 1944 
Doak, John 1945 
Abbott, Chris 1946 
Fowler, Roger 1946 
French, Raymond






StAC Students 19471956


Name Peer Year Name Peer Year
Bloxham, Raines 1947 Chapman, John 1954
Mann, Athol 1947 Cockburn, Derek 1954
Steel, Jeffrey 1947 Dowling, Graham 1954
Childs, Reverend Bruce 1948 Hilson, Euan 1954
Musgrove, John 1948 Jowers, Colin 1954
Shipley, Ken 1948 Lane, Robin 1954
Smart, Brian 1948 Lawson, Roger 1954
Bowater, Barry 1949 Matheson, Dan 1954
Featherston, Warren 1949 Miller, Jock 1954
McIntosh, Neil 1949 Powell, Barry 1954
Miller, Reg 1949 Rae, Stewart 1954
Price, Grahame 1949 Adams, Denis 1955
Stevens, Peter 1949 Field, Duncan 1955
Syme, David 1949 Fraser, Bruce 1955
Voss, Peter
1949 Godfrey, John 1955
Wardell, Keith
1949 Hamilton, Robert 1955
Hunt, Barrie
1950 Henderson, Graham 1955
Mirfin, Bryson
1950 Lambie, Neil 1955
Poole, Ernie
1950 Margetts, John 1955
Spencer, George
1950 McCallum, Bill 1955
Anderson, Keith
1951 McIver, Murray 1955
Brown, Lindsay
1951 Norrie, Dougal 1955
Burrows, Thomas
1951 Patterson, Allan 1955
Hudson, Alastair
1951 Petrie, Bob 1955
Ogilvie, Gordon
1951 Richards, Peter 1955
Paterson, Robert
1951 Scrimshaw, George 1955
Perry, Donald
1951 Sidey, John 1955
Riach, Brian
1951 Simpson, Ross 1955
Scott, Bruce
1951 Sloss, Donald 1955
Sim, Graeme
1951 Stalker, John 1955
Winnicott, Alan
1951 Anderson, Roger 1956
Allan, Michael
1952 Barton, Patrick 1956
Bird, Barrie
1952 Black, John 1956
Brown, Geoff
1952 Davison, Donald 1956
Dowling, Brian
1952 Dysart, James 1956
Neale, John
1952 Eastmond, David 1956
Patterson, Basil
1952 Gray, Russell 1956
Wallace, Tony
1952 Lundy, Glynn 1956
Bruce-Barron, Rob
1953 Marshall, Derek 1956
Dewar, Ian
1953 McCaskey, John 1956
Elms, Mostyn
1953 McLachlan, Leith 1956
Goode, David
1953 Millar, Geoffrey 1956
Gunn, John
1953 Newbury, David 1956
Hudson, Jim
1953 Norris, Vernon 1956
Inwood, Graham
1953 Raymond, Garry 1956
Kay, George
1953 Scott, Alastair 1956
Laugesen, Murray
1953 Stokes, Ian 1956
Russell, Alexander
1953 Stokes, Stanley 1956
Spark, Bob
1953 Turner, William 1956
White, Michael
1953 White, Adrian 1956
Askin, George
Whitty, Bevan
Bates, Tom





StAC students outside of Strowan House 1957-1966


Name Peer Year Name Peer Year
Ashworth, Samual 1957 Saunders, Michael
Cross, Maurice 1957 Seward, Rob 1961
Fleming, Alastair 1957 Shepheard, Miles 1961
Gillanders, Keith 1957 Smith, Murray 1961
Hearn, David 1957 Trotter, Robert 1961
Innes, Lance 1957 Ullrich, John  1961 
Inwood, Warick 1957 Voice, David  1961
Jones, Ronald 1957 Woollett, Maxwell  1961 
Lake, Roger 1957 Wyllie, Don  1961
Lawton, Jim 1957 Askin, George  1962 
Lee, Tony 1957 Bain, Gavin  1962 
Malcolmson, George 1957 Beaven, James  1962 
Marsden, Brian 1957 Birdling, Albert  1962 
McLean, Stuart 1957 Croft, Russell  1962 
Melville, Ian 1957 Fox, Stuart  1962 
Milliken, Maurice 1957 Gardner, Peter  1962 
Radcliffe, Michael 1957 Howman, Martin 1962 
Rose, Murray 1957 Hunt, Brian  1962
Selwood, Melvyn 1957 Johns, Stewart 1962 
Silby, Winston 1957 Jones, Peter  1962 
Sloss, Robert 1957 Maze, John  1962
Stewart, Sir Robert 1957 Moore, Bruce 1962 
Thomson, Neil 1957 Nicholson, Noel 1962 
Walker, Jim 1957 Pain, Stuart  1962 
Watson, Warwick 1957 Palliser, Brian  1962 
Wells, Graham 1957 Patterson, Jock  1962 
Westgarth, Malcolm 1957 Sweet, Richard  1962
Adams, Brian 1958 Taylor, Peter  1962 
Allen, William 1958 Anderson, David 1963 
Bell, Grenville 1958 Broadbelt, Grant  1963 
Bennie, Douglas 1958 Brown, Howard  1963 
Brown, Alistair 1958 Gardner, John  1963
Brown, John 1958 Green, Frank 1963 
Bull, Frederick 1958 Jacobsen, Dennis  1963 
Early, Walter 1958 Jeffs, Warren  1963 
Gardner, Edward 1958 MacDonald, Peter  1963
Hegan, Derek 1958 Malthus, Michael  1963 
Johnson, Colin 1958 Meyer, Murray  1963 
King, Russell 1958 Myhre, Richard 1963 
McKinley, Ron 1958 Reece, Thomas  1963 
Moffatt, Nelson 1958 Sidey, Andrew 1963 
Morrison, John 1958 Smith, Alistair  1963 
Murtagh, Ron 1958 Smith, Peter  1963 
Oakley, Edward 1958 Soulsby, Roger  1963
Patterson, Jock 1958  Stubbings, Peter  1963 
Pawsey, Robin  1958  Sturge, Peter  1963 
Prosser, John 1958  Thompson, Gaire 1963 
Satterthwaite, Ian Bruce  1958  Thompson, Peter  1963 
Saunders, Tim  1958  Ward, Irvine  1963 
Sidey, Murray 1958 Wilson, Meredith 1963 
Taylor, Bill 1958 Bond, Ian  1964 
Taylor, Mark 1958 Clark, Barry  1964 
Watson, Anthony 1958 Croft, Warwick  1964 
Wells, Geoff 1958 Currie, Terence 1964 
Cameron, Ian 1959 Downes, Murray  1964 
Croft, Robert 1959 Duthie, Struan James 1964
Currie, George 1959 Ellis, Stephen  1964
Dysart, John 1959 Esson, Ian  1964 
Johns, Tony 1959 Galloway, Euan  1964 
Jones, Richard 1959 Gillies, John  1964 
Judson, Neil 1959 Green, Jim  1964 
Kent, Russell 1959 Hendrie, Dave 1964 
MaCauley, Ian 1959 Innes, Rodney  1964 
Maginness, Gavin 1959 Luisetti, Richard  1964 
Mawson, Graeme 1959 Lyttle, David  1964 
McGill, John 1959 McClelland, John  1964 
Moyle, David 1959 McKechnie, Grant  1964 
Scott, Wal 1959 Naysmith, Robbie 1964
Shields, Gordon 1959 Regnault, Christopher  1964
Stubberfield, Michael 1959 Rough, Peter  1964 
Syme, John 1959 Saunders, Anthony  1964 
Watson, Selwyn 1959 Scott, Alastair  1964 
White, Paul 1959 Scott, Patrick  1964 
Young, Anthony 1959 Sharp, Tom  1964 
Young, David 1959 Steel, Peter  1964
Allan, Jack 1960 Taylor, Bruce  1964 
Anderson, Robert 1960 Threlkeld, David  1964 
Birkett, Paul 1960 Watson, Barry 1964 
Chisnall, Jack 1960 Whyte, Anthony  1964
Gardner, Brian 1960 Wilson, Christopher  1964 
Hadley, Rodger 1960 Bayley, John  1965 
Johnston, Robin 1960 Downing, Anthony 1965 
Lambie, Allan 1960 Gardner, Bruce  1965
Maginness, Don 1960 Gardner, Murray 1965 
Mawson, Bruce 1960 Grant, Alan 1965
McFadden, Grant 1960 Gunns, Russell 1965
McLean, Anthony 1960 Hall, Bill 1965
Mills, James 1960 Hart, Reece 1965
Murray, Stuart 1960 Lyttle, David 1965
Rainey, John 1960 McKenzie, Rod 1965
Richards, Gordon 1960 Prouting, Ray 1965
Sheppard, Christopher 1960 Reid, Donald 1965
Trumper, James 1960 Rose, Philip 1965
Walker, Graham 1960 Skinner, Alan 1965
Walker, Peter 1960 Smith, Terry 1965
Waters, Anthony 1960 Belton, David 1966
Westgarth, John 1960 Davidson, Nicholas 1966
Bradshaw, Gareth 1961 Fechney, John 1966
Chamberlain, Murray 1961 George, Anthony 1966
Cooke, Murray 1961 Gunns, Warren 1966
Evans, Professor Lewis 1961 Haley, Bill 1966
Graham, John 1961 Hurford, Les 1966
Halliburton, Bruce 1961 MaCartney, Hugh 1966
Halliday, Mike 1961 Marr, Graham 1966
Hancock, Bob 1961 McFarlane, David 1966
Hartnell, Murray 1961 McIlraith, Alisdair 1966
Jones, William Hollis 1961 McMillan, John 1966
Joyce, Donald 1961 Milner, Bruce 1966
Leslie, Albyn 1961 Moore, Rex 1966
Mars, James 1961 Seward, Bart 1966
Mitchell, Ron 1961 Shaw, Charles 1966
Nelson, Jerry 1961 Shepherd, Lawson 1966
O’Hara, John 1961 Sheppard, Andy 1966
Parsons, Bill 1961 Whiteside, Peter 1966
Robertson, Graham 1961 Wiffen, Charles 1966
Rose, Roger
Wilkie, Alun





StAC students 1967-1976


Name Peer Year Name Peer Year
Anderson, Stuart 1967 Johnston, Paul 1972
Bascand, Bruce 1967 Little, Ian 1972
Black, Arthur 1967 Nutt, Michael 1972
Eyes, Stuart 1967 Olds, Bill 1972
Gardner, William 1967 Shadbolt, Mark 1972
Gluyas, Bill 1967 Sidey, Peter 1972
Guy, Warren 1967 Templeton, Rod 1972
Hall, Philip 1967 Worner, Graeme 1972
Hart, Don 1967 Carleton, Garry 1973
Hueston, Doug 1967 Coey, Graeme 1973
MacDonald, Peter 1967 Dennis, Terence 1973
McElrea, Thomas 1967 Gray, Christopher 1973
McEwan, Murray 1967 Holmes, Murray 1973
Miller, Grant 1967 Ivey, Ross 1973
Moore, Max 1967 Kay, Francis 1973
Murdoch, Kevin 1967 King, Arch  1973
Nell, Bruce 1967 Marshall, Evan 1973
Scott, Tim 1967 McElroy, Philip 1973
Smith, Ian 1967 Mitchell, Warwick 1973
Tanner, Ross 1967 Mulholland, Mark 1973
Vaughan, Stuart 1967 Parr, Steve 1973
White, Christopher 1967 Reuhman, John 1973
Woods, Michael 1967 Reynolds, Greg 1973
Wright, Donald Leicester 1967 Ridgen, Charles 1973
Barnett, Peter 1968 Russell, Richard 1973
Bisset, Ross 1968 Tucker, Gregory 1973
Brockett, Reg 1968 Whitehead, Mark 1973
French-Wright, Lyal 1968 Blue, John 1974
Graham, Peter 1968 Chisholm, Gary 1974
Henderson, Ian 1968 Davidson, Miles 1974
Lockie, Ian 1968 De Pass, Hamish 1974
MacLeod, Callum 1968 Dryden, Michael 1974
Maxwell, Richard 1968 Ferguson, David 1974
Prentice, Craig 1968 Ford, Henry 1974
Sidey, Michael 1968 France, David 1974
Smith, Peter 1968 Gillanders, Donald 1974
Soulsby, David 1968 Halliday, Richard 1974
Tait, David 1968 Jessep, Donald 1974
Thomson, Fenton 1968 Johnston, Mike 1974
Twiss, Francis 1968 Letham, Guy 1974
Aitken, Bryan 1969 McCormick, Gordon 1974
Bain, John 1969 McGarry, Graham 1974
Finch, Alan Grant 1969 McIntosh, Thomas 1974
Hamilton, Mike 1969 McLeod, Alasdair 1974
Jenkins, Kevin 1969 Morrison, Alistair 1974
Johnson, Lindsay 1969 Munro, Andrew 1974
Maze, Julian 1969 Nelson, Peter 1974
Murdoch, Grant 1969 O’Connor, Miles 1974
Snushall, Peter 1969 Olorenshaw, Geoff 1974
Strachan, Martin 1969 Stevenson, John 1974
Bettle, Nicholas 1970 Taylor, Stephen 1974
De Pass, Denis 1970 Briggs, Andrew 1975
Hueston, Gerald 1970 Buick, Graham 1975
Kelman, Doug 1970 Chamberlain, Peter 1975
Moore, Greg 1970 Ensor, Willy 1975
Ussher, Gavin 1970 Hamilton, Kim 1975
Walker, Philip 1970 Mauger, Philip 1975
Wallace, Ian 1970 McKenzie, Ken 1975
Abbott, Guy 1971 McLachlan, John 1975
Besley, Graeme 1971 McLaughlin, Alex 1975
Burrows, Bill 1971 Mulholland, Rob 1975
Cartwright, Scott 1971 Shand, David 1975
Crouch, Richard 1971 Stokes, Brian 1975
Finch, Paul 1971 Wright, Stuart 1975
Glasson, Chris 1971 Black, Kevin 1976
Goss, Ian 1971 Blackwell, Andrew 1976
MacRae, David 1971 Bonniface, Grant 1976
Marshall, Gavin 1971 Harris, Mark 1976
McEwan, Paul 1971 Hepburn, Robert 1976
Ruske, Neville 1971 Mackintosh, Andrew 1976
Turley, Murray 1971 McLean, Dugald 1976
Walker, Warren 1971 McLean, Hamish 1976
Wiffen, Geoffrey 1971 Palmer, Willie 1976
Winskill, Max 1971 Shipley, Murray 1976
Abbott, Chris 1972 Stanley, Stewart 1976
Barr, John 1972 Stevenson, Scott 1976
Dahl, Paul 1972
Williamson, Paul
Gillanders, Andrew






StAC students at camp 1977-1986


Name Peer Year Name Peer Year
Aubrey, Henry 1977 Murray, Andrew 1981
Dini, Peter 1977 Payne, Graeme 1981
Fechney, Brian 1977 Royds, Philip 1981
Gilbert, Peter 1977 Sabiston, Anthony 1981
Gimblett, Greg 1977 Schmidt, Andy 1981
Hobson, Trevor 1977 Sheat, Ken 1981
Holmes, John 1977 Stokes, David 1981
Jenkins, Thomas 1977 Taggart, Paul 1981
Kitchin, Trevor 1977 Walton, Noel 1981
Marshall, Graeme 1977 Wells, Kerry 1981
McMillan, Kelvin 1977 Cockram, Angus 1982
Moorhead, David 1977 Dowling, Craig 1982
Preston, Nick 1977 Fraser, Bruce 1982
Sim, Peter 1977 Hille, Oli 1982
Sutherland, Bill 1977 Lane, John 1982
Templeton, Derek 1977 Matthews, Lyndon 1982
Tod, Christopher 1977 Ott, Richard 1982
Wilson, Rick 1977 Pearson, Scott 1982
Abel, John 1978 Power, Richard 1982
Adams, David 1978 Redmond, Chris 1982
Anderson, Albert 1978 Sutherland, Andrew 1982
Childs, Pete 1978 Anderson, Duncan 1983
Duncan, Edward 1978 Black, Graham 1983
Finlayson, Blair 1978 Darling, Tim 1983
Forrester, Mark 1978 Graham, Craig 1983
Hall, Douglas 1978 Johns, Michael 1983
McPherson, Allister 1978 Kyle, Andrew 1983
Norris, Tom 1978 McIntosh, James 1983
Platt, Grant 1978 McMillan, Chris 1983
Restall, Grant 1978 Millar, Hamish 1983
Rodgers, Cameron 1978 Porter, Mark 1983
Smith, Shaun 1978 Riley, Warren 1983
Bates, Duncan 1979 Smith, Kent 1983
Campbell, Thomas 1979 Tiso, John 1983
Davidson, William 1979 Ward, Iain 1983
Ferguson, Andrew 1979 Galilee, Craig 1984
Frampton, Chris 1979 Gould, Richard 1984
Gunn, Guy 1979 Heasley, Scott 1984
MacMaster, Hamish 1979 Johnston, Timothy 1984
McPherson, Adam 1979 Lancaster, Matthew 1984
Milligan, Ian 1979 Mahan, Andrew 1984
Pattie, Martin 1979 McIntosh, Robert 1984
Shipley, James 1979 McLean, Don 1984
Stewart, Doug 1979 Murray, Dougall 1984
Wells, Michael 1979 Nicholls, David 1984
Whitaker, Ray 1979 Prosser, Mark 1984
Alexander, Craig 1980 Smith, Craig 1984
Boon, Warwick 1980 Smith, Peter 1984
Chaney, Char 1980 Smith, Richard 1984
Cockram, Matthew 1980 Syme, Derek 1984
Cooke, James 1980 Taylor, Paul 1984
Eder, Mike 1980 Wells, Tim 1984
Hawke, Richard 1980 Westgarth, James 1984
Holmes, Warwick 1980 Barron, David 1985
Howden, Mark 1980 Clark, Richard 1985
Inch, Bryan 1980 Cockram, Dougal 1985
Lockie, Don 1980 Ensor, Chris 1985
MacMillan, Hugh 1980 McFadden, Jamie 1985
Marris, Ted 1980 Mitchell, Hamish 1985
McKenzie, Andrew 1980 Pirker, John 1985
O’Neill, Brett 1980 Rose, Richard 1985
Pearson, Bryan 1980 Russell, Hugh 1985
Sheppard, Michael 1980 Sutton, Allen 1985
Souter, Andrew 1980 Walton, Gary 1985
Stewart, Mark 1980 Wilson, Angus 1985
Wilson, Gray 1980 Anderson, Don 1986
Blair, John 1981 Bingham, Paul 1986
Booker, John 1981 Darling, Hamish 1986
Brown, Mark 1981 Glass, Colin 1986
Clapp, Richard 1981 Hegan, Dean 1986
Dallison, John 1981 Johnson, Christopher 1986
Darling, Peter 1981 Leech, Richard 1986
Dear, Tom 1981 MacLeod, Andrew 1986
Early, Grant 1981 Maginness, Tony 1986
Flint, Jonathan 1981 McGuckin, James 1986
Grant, Andrew 1981 Sharpe, Andrew 1986
Gunn, Stew 1981 Sidey, Richard 1986
Hall, Andrew 1981 Smith, Tim 1986
Hamilton, David 1981 Syme, Hamish 1986
Hurley, Don 1981 Thomson, James 1986
Jarman, David 1981 Wallace, Andrew 1986
Mander, John
1981 Wells, Chris 1986
Mander, Simon 1981
West, David
McCormack, Campbell 1981    





StAC students 1987-1996


Name Maiden Name Peer Year
Adams, Stephen 1987
Benny, Andrew 1987
Couper, Gideon –  1987
Eaves, David –  1987
Flood, Jeremy –  1987
Godsall, Mark –  1987
Hampton, Christopher –  1987
Hilson, Guy –  1987
Inkson, Michael –  1987
Johns, Duncan –  1987
Johnson, Charles –  1987
Johnson, Paul –  1987
McBreen, Chris –  1987
McFarlane, Andrew –  1987
Moffatt, Ross –  1987
Paterson, Barry –  1987
Perry, Mandy –  1987
Riley, Tim –  1987
Robinson, Kane –  1987
Sloss, James –  1987
Smith, Phil –  1987
Tavendale, Mark –  1987
Thomson, David –  1987
Tomkinson, James –  1987
Wells, Jonathan –  1987
Anderson, Scott –  1988
Bates, Andrew –  1988
Bone, Kevin –  1988
Cathcart, Simon –  1988
Charteris, Brendon –  1988
Gardner, Jason –  1988
Hamilton, Andrew –  1988
Hartnell, James –  1988
Harvie, Nicholas –  1988
Hay, Mark –  1988
Leighs, Anthony –  1988
Maxwell, Simon –  1988
Millar, Pat –  1988
Pye, Leighton –  1988
Shuttleworth, Justin –  1988
Sidey, Mark –  1988
Sidey, Michael –  1988
Stanley, Sam –  1988
Ullrich, Mark –  1988
Ullrich, James –  1988
Vinnell, Crispin –  1988
Willis, Mark –  1988
Amor, Richard –  1989
Atkinson, Dean –  1989
Beasley, Robert –  1989
Birkett, David –  1989
Bisphan, Kerry –  1989
Calder, Stuart –  1989
Davies, Andrew –  1989
Dick, David –  1989
Eaves, Andrew –  1989
Evans, Gareth –  1989
Frazer, Greg –  1989
Glover, Ben –  1989
Hall, Simon –  1989
Harkerss, Andrew –  1989
Harvie, Rick –  1989
Hopping, Andrew –  1989
Hurn, Ellery –  1989
Irving, Simon –  1989
Kininmonth, Andrew –  1989
Knowles, Jason –  1989
Logie, Rob –  1989
Lowry, Mark –  1989
McGuckin, Ross –  1989
Mulholland, Richard –  1989
Murray, James –  1989
North, Richard –  1989
Prebble, Hamish –  1989
Preston, Mike 1989
Simpson, Jeremy –  1989
Spark, Geoff –  1989
Turner, Ben –  1989
Vette, Warren –  1989
Voice, Todd –  1989
Walker, Phillip 1989
White, Anthony –  1989
Wong, Hassan –  1989
Wyllie, Andrew –  1989
Allison, Mark –  1990
Cook, Sherridan –  1990
Davison, Paul –  1990
Mackintosh, Duncan –  1990
Marshall, Andrew –  1990
Mason, Julian –  1990
McGeorge, James –  1990
McGrouther, Campbell –  1990
McNee, Andrew –  1990
North, Stuart –  1990
Pirie, Clark –  1990
Rowley, Mark –  1990
Sidey, Andrew –  1990
Sutherland, Blair –  1990
Tennant, Hamish –  1990
Timbs, Chris –  1990
Adams, Phil –  1991
Brown, Julian –  1991
Burke, Simon –  1991
Ellis, Mark –  1991
Maxwell, Geoff –  1991
Naylor, Jason –  1991
Smith, Des –  1991
Trott, John –  1991
Barnes, Mike –  1992
Gilbert, Lindsay –  1992
Hill, Hamish –  1992
Irwin, Hamish –  1992
Jones, James –  1992
MaCauley, Jo McNeice 1992
MaCauley, Mark 1992
Moran, Mat –  1992
Richardson, Hamish –  1992
Steel, Robert –  1992
Tavendale, James –  1992
Thomas, Richard –  1992
Bishell, Tim –  1993
Borthwick, James –  1993
Broadbelt, Hayden –  1993
Columbus, Mike –  1993
Condon, Amanda Cole 1993
Croft, Leighton –  1993
Girdlestone, James –  1993
Gower, Rodney –  1993
Griffiths, Ed –  1993
Heller, Brydon –  1993
Leary, Penny Skelton 1993
Lingard, Matt (aka Matt Hay) –  1993
Mason, Tim Schousboe 1993
McLeod, Clark –  1993
Pearson, Shane –  1993
Smith, Miranda White 1993
Smith, Michael –  1993
Smith, Mike –  1993
Timbs, David –  1993
Twiss, James –  1993
Van Asch, Marcus –  1993
Aldridge, Scott –  1994
Bateman, Geraldine Jacobson 1994
Bennett, Paul –  1994
Cavanagh, Samuel –  1994
De Joux, Phil –  1994
Field, Lance –  1994
Gibbons, Paul –  1994
Gillies, Sarah –  1994
Graham, Simon –  1994
Harding, James –  1994
Hart, Benjamin –  1994
Johnson, Campbell –  1994
Leighs, Chris –  1994
McFedries, Adrian –  1994
McLeod, Andrew –  1994
Murphy, Rob –  1994
Russell, Ben –  1994
Scaife, Thomas –  1994
Stewart, Mike –  1994
Baker, Antoinette –  1995
Bissland, Rhys –  1995
Broadbelt, Lydia –  1995
Hay, Scott –  1995
McHarg, Tim –  1995
Michael, John –  1995
Moore, Jeremy –  1995
Nell, James –  1995
Opie, Karen Dalley 1995
Shearer, Ryan –  1995
Adams, Chris –  1996
Ferguson, Ben –  1996
Gilbert, Hamish –  1996
Hamilton, Jamie –  1996
Maxwell, Dan –  1996
Scragg, Jonathan –  1996
Taylor, Hamish –  1996
Twiss, Emma
–   1996


StAC students 1997-2006


Name Maiden Name Peer Year
Bunting, Craig 1997
Calder, Tim 1997
Darby, Jonathan –  1997
Dugdale, Oliver –  1997
Gower, Matt 1997
Griffiths, Bevan 1997
Hall, Will 1997
Kilday, Scott 1997
Marshall, Michael 1997
McIntosh, James 1997
Pickering, Cameron 1997
Regnault, Anthony 1997
Stenhouse, Richard 1997
Bascand, John 1998
Bermingham, Anna Gillanders 1998
Breading, Lillian 1998
Drewitt, Brett 1998
McKay, James 1998
Neal, Geoff 1998
Poh, Miriam Butler 1998
Rose, Jonathon 1998
Tamou, Lana Sweney 1998
Browne, Patrick 1999
Losco, Giovanni 1999
Macklin, Chris 1999
McIntosh, Lyndon 1999
Shelton, Simon 1999
Thompson, Hamish 1999
Bennett, John 2000
Cox, Gareth 2000
Francis, Dan 2000
King, Simon 2000
McGarry, Paul 2000
Mulholland, Daniel 2000
Rice, Phil 2000
Alfeld, Brad 2001
Cameron, Joanne Gallagher 2001
Denton, Nic 2001
Hamiora, Kate Stevenson 2001
Letham, Nick 2001
McLoughlin, Emma MacDonald 2001
Rees, Sean 2001
Sproull, Antony 2001
Sutherland, Matt 2001
Broadbridge, Andrew 2002
Bruce, Julia Chaplin 2002
Carter, Andrew 2002
Johnson, Poppie Gerber 2002
Lynch, David 2002
Moore, Jonathan 2002
Roggisch, Katie Bierwirth 2002
Van Beek, Sacha 2002
Wethey, Gabrielle 2002
Wilson, Ben 2002
McNeice, Dylan 2003
Munro, Stuart 2003
Boraston, Alice 2004
Jack, Richard 2004
Letham, Andrew 2004
Munro, James 2004
Yang, Alice 2004
Richards, Emma Bierwirth 2005
Wall, Charlotte 2005
Grigg, Jack 2006
McCormick, James 2006
Shadbolt, Nick 2006
Storey, Richard 2006
Wall, Piers


StAC Students 2007-2017


Name Maiden Name Peer Year
Anderson, Benjamin 2007
Andrews, Richard –  2007
Baker, Kate –  2007
Clark, Justin –  2007
Clark, Richard –  2007
Collins, Lucy –  2007
Connell, Bridie –  2007
Cox, Katie –  2007
Daly, Rosanna –  2007
Davison, Tom –  2007
France, Katherine –  2007
Frankenschmidt, Laura Bryant 2007
Franks, Will –  2007
Hills, Tom –  2007
Jones, Tim –  2007
Lovell, Sally Wright 2007
McGregor, Jessica Bateman 2007
McLean, Bid –  2007
Meredith, Laura Jones 2007
Moir, Dan –  2007
Nicholls, Willy –  2007
Payne, Gemma –  2007
Ridgen, Brendon –  2007
Shadbolt, Alice –  2007
Smith, Benjamin –  2007
Talboys, George –  2007
Taylor, Nick –  2007
Viegas, Adrian –  2007
Walker, Phoebe –  2007
Whitehead, Tom –  2007
Williams, Richard –  2007
Black, Ben –  2008
Broad, Sam –  2008
Brooks, Laura –  2008
Chim, Michelle –  2008
Crampton, Sarah –  2008
Donaldson, Caitlin –  2008
Fleming, Mark –  2008
Fraser, Grace –  2008
Groeneweg, Emma –  2008
Letham, Cameron –  2008
McAtamney, Matthew –  2008
McLaughlin, Andy –  2008
Robertson, Lauchlan –  2008
Roxburgh, Emily –  2008
Shadbolt, Georgina –  2008
Shipton, David –  2008
Simcock, Chris –  2008
Van Beek, Logan –  2008
Webster, Thomas –  2008
Adams, Natasha –  2009
Gaffikin, Matthew –  2009
McBreen-Smith, Lawrence –  2009
Moore, Tom –  2009
Wildey, Caitlyn Scott 2009
Ballantyne, James –  2010
Black, Megan –  2010
Brabazon, Matt –  2010
Brown, Olivia –  2010
Clarkson, Emma –  2010
Cowan, Ethan –  2010
Cowan, Reuben –  2010
Crequer, Rachelle –  2010
Darby, Cameron 2010
Davidson, Michael –  2010
Ferguson, William –  2010
Filsell, Alex –  2010
Goss, Rose –  2010
Hagaman, Zane –  2010
Hamel, Tuscany –  2010
Hobson, Graham –  2010
Howes, Ben –  2010
Humphrey, Jack –  2010
Johnston, Chris –  2010
Kennedy, Sam –  2010
Kerr, Richard –  2010
Leighton, Alex –  2010
McClelland, Harriette –  2010
McCulloch, Courtenay –  2010
McGilivray, Beji –  2010
McKay, Connor –  2010
Miller, Emily –  2010
Morris, George –  2010
Orr, Ash –  2010
Railton, Harry –  2010
Scott, George –  2010
Shipley, Sarah –  2010
Stuart, Joe –  2010
Suckling, Matthew –  2010
Tapper, James –  2010
Thomas, Owen –  2010
Turley, Lachlan –  2010
Walmsley, Jarred –  2010
Waters, Hamish –  2010
Webster, George –  2010
Bennett, James –  2011
Chan, Daniel –  2011
Crampton, Emma –  2011
Fairhall, Claire –  2011
France, Maddy –  2011
Gardner, Hayley –  2011
Gualter, Emily –  2011
Hampton, Tilly –  2011
Hawke, Angus –  2011
Kerr, Bryn –  2011
Lucia, Aniella –  2011
March, Rebecca –  2011
McLachlan ,Kim –  2011
McLean, Ben –  2011
Nethercott, James –  2011
Nicholls, Jessica –  2011
Parker, Jack –  2011
Pringle, Jack –  2011
Shadbolt, Annabel –  2011
Smith, Mitchell –  2011
Sutherland, Megan –  2011
Wall, Oliver –  2011
Wells, Amelia –  2011
Whyte, Aleisha –  2011
Wright, Fergus –  2011
Batt, Thomas –  2012
Bisset, Sarah –  2012
Bowden, James –  2012
Brown, Henry –  2012
Calder, Ben –  2012
Carter, Leo –  2012
Coleman, Alex –  2012
Crean, Penny –  2012
Cummins, Garrick –  2012
Eastwick, Alice –  2012
Fitzhardinge, Amelia –  2012
Giesen, Olivia –  2012
Gilbert, Michael –  2012
Heazlewood, Emily –  2012
Howes, Sam –  2012
Joblin, Mark –  2012
Lane, Jaxson –  2012
Lotz, Jazmin –  2012
Merrick, Louise –  2012
Nuttall, Hayley –  2012
Pacey, Nicholas –  2012
Qiu, Julie –  2012
Railton, Georgia –  2012
Sanders, Jonathan –  2012
Shipton, Ashleigh –  2012
Whitley, Celia –  2012
Wilson, Sebastian –  2012
Yang, Ye –  2012
Yee, Monica –  2012
Barron, Oliver –  2013
Barrow, Ari –  2013
Crighton, Millie –  2013
Dear, Grace –  2013
Gillon, Lewis –  2013
Park, Ron –  2013
Railton, Willi –  2013
Read, William –  2013
Silk, Holly –  2013
Smith, Lucy –  2013
Stevenson, Annie –  2013
Whyte, Olivia –  2013
Woods, Zac –  2013
Allen, Natalie –  2014
Early, James –  2014
Gualter, Sophie –  2014
Harris, Hamish Zinzan –  2014
Henderson, Holly –  2014
Jones, Lewys –  2014
Lane, Georgia –  2014
McLean, Millie –  2014
Merrick, Zoe –  2014
O’Neil, Monique –  2014
Parker, Matthew –  2014
Sutherland, Benjamin –  2014
Walker, Toby –  2014
Walton, James –  2014
Yee, Olivia –  2014
Bremner, Millie –  2015
Kircher-Blay, Lucy –  2015
Lee, Gabby –  2015
Mirfin, George –  2015
O’Neil, James –  2015
Pooley, Francesca –  2015
Stuthridge, Greta –  2015
Taiepa, Jayda –  2015
Vanderklei, Joshua –  2015
Wallace, Hamish –  2015
Wright, Leo –  2015
Cooper, Harrison –   2016
Fitzhardinge, Oliver –  2016 
Gunn, Kara –  2016 
Hemphill, Thomas –  2016 
McHugh, Cameron –  2016 
Morgan, Caleb –  2016 
Richardson, Tayla –  2016 
Starkey, Joshua –  2016 
Taylor, Jack –  2016 
Trott, Henry –  2016 
Williams, Emma –  2016 
Wilson, Michael
–  2016 

Parents and Community

StAC parents and community


Name Name Name Name Name
Abbott, Chris Everest, Nikki Kennelly, Cherie Nell, Bruce Smith, Peter
Abbott, Guy Fairbairn, Nigel Kidd, Alexa Nethercott, Ian Song, Mi Jung
Adams, Denis Ferguson, Andrew King, Alison Newman, Ed Spark, Bob
Allan, Michael Ferrier, Carol King, Russell Newton, Charles Spark, Geoff
Alty, Joan Fitzhardinge, Christine Lake, Roger Newton, Jane Spark, Julia
Anderson, Don Fleming, Elizabeth Lancaster, Matthew Nicholls, David Stedman, Vanessa
Anderson, Duncan Fogarty, Karen Lane, John Nordt, Christiane Steiner, Chris
Anderson, Robert Ford, John Lawson, Amanda Norrie, Douglas Stevens, Peter
Anderson, Stuart Foster, Susan Lee, Yvonne Nutt, Michael Stevenson, Ally
Askin, George France, David Leech, Richard Oakley, Edward Stokes, Stanley
Atkinson, Dean Fraser, Bruce Leighs, Chris Oakley, Robin Sturge, Peter
Austin, Tracy Fraser, Ray Leota, Joe Oakley, Shirleen Summerfield, Shane
Bain, Gavin Frazer, Greg Little, Ian Odlin, Felicity Sutherland, Andrew
Ballara, Zara Gardener, Kirstie Longden, Lynne O’Hara, John Sutherland, Bill
Barclay, Gavin Gardner, Brian MaCartney, Hugh Opie, Karen Taggart, Paul
Barron, Kevin Gardner, Edward MaCauley, Ian Osteen, Billy Tait, David
Barrow, Jan Gardner, William Mackay, Gillian Oxley, Sue Tamou, Lana
Batchelor, Donna Geary, Helen MacKinnon, Grant Pain, Stuart Taylor, Adrian
Bates, Duncan Gerrard, Helen MacLeod, Andrew Palmer, Willie Taylor, Bruce
Bates, Tom Gilbert, Lindsay Maginness, Don Park, James Taylor, Fiona
Bayley, John Gilbert, Peter Marshall, Derek Park, Kay Taylor, Janet
Beanland, Alan Gillanders, Andrew Marshall, Gavin  Parr, Steve Taylor, Peter
Besley, Graeme Gillanders, Keith Marshall, Natasha Pawsey, Robin Taylor, Philip
Bingham, Paul Gimblett, Greg Mason, Julian Payne, Len Thomas, Robyn
Bird, Ruth Glasson, Chris Mathieson, Sandy Pearson, Bryan Thomson, James
Birkett, David Gluyas, Bill Matthews, Lyndon Pett, Victoria Thomson, Neil
Birkett, Paul Gordon, Angela Maxwell, Richard Porter, Mark Timbs, Chris
Bisset, Ross Gordon, Jamie Maze, Julian Power, Richard Tod, Christopher
Bissland, Pamela Gordon, Lynda McAllister, Tracey Prentice, Barbara Tregenza, Lisa
Bissland, Rhys Goss, Ian McBreen, Chris Prentice, Craig Trott, John
Blay, Wendy Graham, Peter McCormick, Gordon Preston, Mike Trumper, Andy
Bloxham, Raines Green, Harry McDonald, Jacqui Price, Ann Turner, Sally
Blue, John Gregg, McDonald, Steven McDonald, Steven Pringle, Trish Turner, William
Bone, Kevin Gunn, Guy McEwan, Paul Prouting, Ray Twiss, James
Bott, Angelique Gunns, Russell McFadden, Jamie Quartermain, Leta Tyrrell, Rose
Bourke, Melanie Halliburton, Bruce McFadden, Lynette Quinn, Nicky Ullrich, James
Bowman, Robin Hamilton, John McGarry, Graham Rainey, John Ullrich, John
Broadbelt, Grant Harding, Kevin McGuckin, Ross Ratcliffe, Emma Ullrich, Mark
Broadhurst, Janet Harris, Mark McHaffie, Leah Regnault, Christopher Vanderklei, Joshua
Brook, Renee Harrison, Michelle McIntosh, Neil Richards, Emma Vaughan, Stuart
Brown, Geoff Hart, Don McIntosh, Thomas Ridgen, Charles Vinnell, Crispin
Brown, John Hart, Reece McIntosh, Robert Rose, Murray Voice, David
Brown, Shona Hartnell, Murray McIntyre, Anastassia Rose, Philip Voller, Pip
Bryden, Jane Hawke, Richard McIver, Murray Rose, Richard Walker, Jim
Burrows, Bill Hay, Christine McKechnie, Grant Rowley, Mark Walker, Warren
Burrows, Lois Hendry, Angela McKerchar, Liz Rumble, Stephanie Wall, Michael
Burrows, Roland Hill, Hamish McLachlan, John Russell, Alexander Wallace, Hamish
Cairns, Carolyn Hillary, Naylor McLauchlan, Annabelle Russell, Ben Wallace, Ian
Calder, Stuart Hilson, Euan McLean, Donald Scanlon, Jay Wallace, Tony
Cammock-Elliott, Melanie Hobson, Trevor McLean, Dugald Scott, Bruce Watson, Barry
Candy, Judith Holland, Stephen McLean, Stuart Scott, Patrick Watson, Lisa
Candy, Tania Holmes, John McMillan, Chris Scott, Wal Wells, Adele
Carr, Kevin Holmes, Murray McNeill, Sam Seaward, Michael Wells, Graham
Chamberlain, Peter Holyoake, Julia  McPherson, Allister Sellers, Penny Wells, Jonathan
Chaney, Charl Holyoake, Richard  Meyer, Murray Selway, Karen Wells, Michael
Chim, Michelle Hope, Rosie Millar, Hamish Sharpe, Andrew Wells, Tim
Clark, Richard Hopping, Andrew Miller, Jock Shaw, Catriona Westgarth, John
Cockram, Dougal Howard, Jocelyn Milligan, Jane Shaw, Leanda White, Adrian
Coey, Graeme Hunt, Barrie Milligan, Wayne Shipley, Murray Whitehead, Mark
Collins, Lynda Hurley, Don Milliken, Maurice Shipton, Edward Whitnall, Melissa
Corbin, Caitlin Innes, Andy Moore, Brian Sidey, John Wilford, Rachel
Darling , Peter Innes, Lance Moore, Bruce Sidey, Kate Williams, Kelsey
Davidson, Brian Inwood, Graham Moore, Garry Sidey, Michael Willis, Mark
Davidson, Donald Irvine, Carrie Moore, Rex Sidey, Murray Wilson, Angus
Dear, Tom Irvine, Dave Moran, Stephanie Sidey, Peter Wilson, Meredith
Dixon, Jo Irving, John Moreton, Kevin Simpson, Jeremy Wilson, Rick
Dowling, Graham Ivey, Ross Morris, Emma Sloss, Donald Withers, Jane
Duncan, Edward Jack, Amanda Mulholland, Gillian Smith, Alistair Witt, Martin
Dysart, James Jackson, Nikki Mulholland, Mark Smith, Craig Woodgate, Rob
Early, Walter Janett, Chris Munro, Andrew Smith, Diane Wright-Taylor, Sandra
Eaves, Georgina Jerram, Chris Murphy, Rob Smith, Grant Wyllie, Don
Ecroyd, Melanie Johns, Tony Murray, Andrew Smith, Ian Xiong, Shaun
Edmond, Belinda Johnston, Robin Murray, Daran
Smith, Karen Yee, Eileen
Ellis, Ben Jones, William Murray, Dougall Smith, Krissteen Young, David
Ellis, Mark Judson, Neil Murray, Stuart Smith, Michele  
Ensor, Chris
Kennedy, Simone
Musgrove, John
Smith, Murray  


StAC Staff circa 1960s


Name Name Name Name
Absolum, Tracey Evans, David Lawrence, Michelle Quane, Lisa
Adams, Phil Evans, Gareth Leighton, Christine Raateland, Julie
Anderson, Jacqui Evans, Julia Leota, Joe Radcliffe, Brownyn
Anderson, John Fairbairn, Christine Leota, Mary Radford, Jan
Ashton-Martyn, Jo Fairbairn, Nigel Letham, Nick Rattray, Pam
Baker, Kate Farmer, David Livingstone, Rex Remi, Aloma
Ball, Rebecca Faulls, Hamish Lochhead, Jasmine Richards, Emma
Ballantyne, Alison Feary, Pete Lynch, Sarah Riley, Liz
Barron, Kevin Fenton, Jillian MacDonald, Dianne Roest, Beka
Bateman, Ann-maree Fitzgerald ,Christina Maister, Barry Rogers, Julie
Bennie, Douglas French, John Marshall, Jan Rose, Beverley
Besley, Graeme Galloway, Hamish Mathieson, Sandy Ruge, John
Bevin, David Giles, Kristian Mawson, Geoff Rush, Brad
Bierwirth, Jonathan Gilray, Leanne McBride, Kelly Scott, Kathy 
Bigford, Jo Glab, Eleanor McCarthy, Sandra Scott, Philippa
Bishop, Sarah Gregg, Jo McDonald, John Seaward, Michael
Bisset, Ross Groeneweg, Emma McDonald, Sharon Shepherd, Maxine
Bisset, Sarah Haisty, Lori McDonald, Susan Shepherd, Phill
Blay, Wendy Hallum, Rozena McGowan, Alastair Sidey, Kate
Bond, Chris Hamilton, John McIntosh, Rod Simcock, Virginia
Botting, Bryan Harrison, Joshua McKenzie, Dean Simmons, Jocelyn
Broad, Sam Harrison, Michelle McLauchlan, Annabelle Sinclair, John
Broad, Shelley Hart, Dave McLean, Bid Sinton, Roy
Broughton, Barbara Harvey, Georgia McNeill, Sam Smeaton, Margaret
Brouwer, John Hawke, Richard Milligan, Wayne Smith, Ben
Burrows, Roland Hawkins, Anj Moore, Barbara Smith, Mike
Cairns, Carolyn Hill Taiaroa, Elizabeth Moran, Eilish Smith, Krissteen
Callaghan, Alexandra Hills, Greg Morgan, Craig Stokes, Samuel
Cappetta, Marisa Hilson, Euan Morris, Annabel  Talboys, George
Cardno, Joan Hoddinott, Rachael Morrison, Ian  Taylor, Kate
Cartwright, Scott Hodgkinson, Mark Morrow, Paul  Temple, Phil
Cassidy, Megan Hoh, Jonathan Mulholland , Gillian  Thompson, Drummond
Collins, Lynda Houlahan, Pauline Musgrove, John Thomson, Jean
Cook, Marjorie Ingram, Merelyn Narbey, Maria Tully, Wilma
Crawford, Diana Innes, Glen Naseem, Fariya  Turner, Sally
Cummack, Brent Irving, John Neilson, Dave Walker, Malcolm
Cumming, Diane Jack, Amanda Noonan, Peter White, Lyndon
Curtis, Jeni Jemison, Nikohl Nutt, Michael White, Paul
Darling, Peter Johnston, Mike Ogilvie, Gordon Whitehead, Tom
Dawkings, Peter Joilin, Rachelle Orman, Heather Wilde, Naomi
De Spa, Margot Jones, Denley Oughton, Tim Wilford, Rachel
Dekkers, Wilj Joyce, Fe Palmer, Lesley Wilkinson, Clare
Derry, Natasha Kelley, Alex Parker, Cariad Wilkinson, David
Dinsenbacher, Pip Kennedy, Simone Percy, Heather Williams, Kelsey
Downes, Murray Kent, Russell Pettit, Vicki Williams, Simon
Duncan, Allyson King, Russell Pickering, Cameron Wilson, Chris
Dunster, Rochelle Klebert, Rainer Power, Leeanne
Woodlock, Michael
Eathorne, Francesca Knox, Bruce Prentice, Barbara  
Eddington, Alice Larby, Kerry
Price, Ann
Elliot, Clare
Laughlin, Lisa
Price, Grahame